Template 6.4.4: People Indicators to Support Behaviour Change
This template includes key people and cultural indicators that are important to monitor
during change implementation. They will assist you to be in tune with what mindset and
behaviours are emerging in the ‘informal system’.
How to use it?
Use the prompts as a reection exercise at individual and team level. Based on the
reection consider how best to use the data to support helpful conversations and
prompt action.
No. Key considerations Action needed
1. What are you observing in the team and at individual level regarding
people’s reactions and how they are being dealt with?
2. Mindset and behaviour changes – what change are we recognising?
Are these changes in line with agreed values and being reinforced?
3. Are people participating in training/development and coaching?
4. Are sustained, meaningful conversations taking place? [115]
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide