No. Key considerations Actions
5. Are people willing to let go of the status quo or their past successes in order to commit
to a new future?
6. What degree of inuence do people feel they have over making this change, as opposed
to feeling that the change is being done to them?
7. What support can the change leaders initiate to help people manage their reactions
during the change process and work through their emotions in a way that assists them
to engage with the change? This will include listening to concerns, acknowledging
progress, afrming good practice, coaching, shadowing, job rotation, further education,
8. People need support to embed the changes into their everyday activities and
behaviours. How are people encouraged to discontinue ‘old systems and ways’ and
integrate changed practices?
9. Do people feel they have the competencies and skills to be able to succeed in making
the change a success?
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.4.3: Working with Emotional Reactions to Change (continued)