Template 6.3.4: Action Plan
This template is the Action Plan that will guide the change process. It outlines the
outcomes you want to achieve, the actions required to deliver on the outcomes,
resources required, persons responsible and timeframes. It is based on the culmination
of all your work on dening the need for change and designing a better future. In
addition to identifying key actions to get from the current situation to the future, key
enabling and sustaining actions also need to be included.
How to use it?
1. Summarise the key outcomes agreed for the change in Column 1 to anchor
the Action Plan.
2. Transfer the actions agreed in Template 6.3.3: Service Design –
Gap and Impact Analysis into Column 2 and align to the outcomes.
3. Identify the key performance indicators that will be used to track and measure
progress on change actions.
4. Identify dependencies and specify the resources required to implement the change.
5. Identify key people responsible for actions.
6. Identify realistic timeframe for delivery of actions.
Service: Date:
Actions Key performance
Dependencies and
responsible for
Include detailed actions
Also actions to address risks, to support enablers of the change
and address any dependencies
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide