Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Model of care or service provision
Overall philosophy of care (medical, psychosocial,
therapeutic, holistic, etc.)
Who will use the service?
Who will deliver the service?
Who will the service interact with most,
i.e. referral sources, other teams or agencies, etc.?
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model
This template enables you to describe the detail of your preferred Service Operational
Model, i.e. how the future service will be organised and delivered. You can also use the
template to focus on an element of your service.
How to use it?
Complete this template for the preferred option
Describe the detail – how the service will be organised and delivered (future vision/
design for the service). Use the prompts to guide you. Complete for all parts of the
service that are changing and/or note if no change is planned.
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Eligibility and access criteria
Service delivery arrangements – location, time, opening
hours, etc.
Governance and leadership arrangements
Service team purpose, structure and reporting
Leadership and decision-making arrangements (including
governing groups; legal or regulatory requirements)
Clinical governance arrangements:
Supervision practice
Monitoring of professional standards, policies
and procedures
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Business governance including nance, human
resources, etc.
Service level agreements, memorandums of agreements
or other inter-agency agreements
Key activities required to deliver the service:
Pathways and processes of care
Referral, assessment, diagnostic, intervention pathway
Shared care arrangements or protocols
Transfer or discharge pathway
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Supporting process, i.e. booking arrangements,
pharmacy systems, notication to other services, etc.
Business processes
Service planning
Policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines (PPPG)
Budget and nancial processes, procurement
Costing model for the service (income generation, etc.)
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Information and data management processes
(data bases, etc.)
e-health and ICT requirements
Communication and information sharing processes
(internal and external)
Administrative support processes and services
Procurement processes
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Human resources (people strategy)
Workforce planning, talent management (skill mix),
succession planning
Roles, responsibilities
Individual and team performance
Work practices and methods
Work distribution, caseload management
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Learning and development requirements – knowledge,
competencies and skills
Human resources business processes – time and
attendance, performance systems, etc.
Staff engagement processes
Scheduling, rostering and work ow
Staff health and wellbeing
Health and safety arrangements
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Quality, patient safety and measurement
Quality, standards and measurement processes
(including compliance arrangements, dealing with
service feedback/complaints, etc.)
Indicators – performance measurement
(quantitative and qualitative)
Key performance indicators
Risk management processes
Utilisation of space/facilities, location of service delivery,
service settings (capital expenditure plans, etc.)
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)
Service: Date:
Component of the Service Operational Model Describe the detail of the Service Operational Model, i.e. how the future service is organised
and delivered
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Future Service Operational Model design column in 6.3.3
Environmental changes
Equipment (assessment, diagnostic and intervention
ICT infrastructure
Overall resource requirements
Based on describing how the future service is organised and delivered, how will the resources required to implement these changes be assessed?
Who could assist in providing this costing analysis to deliver on the preferred option?
People’s Needs Defining Change – Health Services Change Guide
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.2: Detailed Design of the Service Operational Model (continued)