Ease of implementation (Guidance to assist you to rate ease of implementation)
1 2 3 4
People impact Will fundamentally change the
roles and responsibilities of those
involved in the provision of this
particular service
Will have a significant impact
on the roles and responsibilities
of those involved in the provision
of this particular service
Will have some impact on the
roles and responsibilities of those
involved in the provision of this
particular service
Will have no impact on the roles
and responsibilities of those
involved in the provision of this
particular service
Process and system impact Fundamental changes to the
way this particular service is
Significant changes to the way
this particular service is managed
Some changes to the way this
particular service is managed
No change to the way this
particular service is managed
Budget impact Implementation of the new
operating model will significantly
increase the cost to the health
system of providing this service
Implementation of the new
operating model will increase
the cost to the health system
of providing this service
Implementation of the new
operating model will have no
impact on the cost to the health
system of providing this service
Implementation of the new
operating model will reduce
the cost to the health system
of providing this service
Time to implement Transition will take greater than
3 years
Transition will take between
2 years and 3 years
Transition will take between
1 year and 2 years
Transition will take less than
1 year
Cost to implement Costs associated with
implementation are estimated
to be high
Costs associated with
implementation are estimated
to be moderate
Costs associated with
implementation are estimated
to be low
Costs associated with
implementation are estimated
to be negligible
Source: HSE – Office of the Director General of the Health Service (2017) – Developed by PwC and HSE [184]
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.3.1: Service Design – Option Generation and Appraisal (continued)