Template 6.2.8: People and Culture Change Platform – Readiness Factors
This template assists in identifying readiness in relation to the People and Culture
Change Platform outlined in the Change Framework. The ndings will guide as to where
focused attention is required to address cultural elements in an integrated manner.
How to use it?
Carry out this exercise as a team-based activity. Use the key activities below to generate
a rating for each of the people and cultural priorities outlined below. Identify actions to
increase readiness based on the ndings – actions can be prioritised as follows:
High: to maintain focus and do more of
Medium: to improve
Low: to target in a dedicated way
How would you rate readiness?
People and cultural factors - for more detailed explanation
refer to 1.2.1 to 1.2.9
High Medium Low Action
Practice collective leadership
1. Be self-aware
2. Role model the change
3. Communicate with integrity and purpose
4. Nurture collective leadership activity
5. Build relationships and create networks
please number please number please number
Model shared values
1. Understand personal values
2. Connect on a noble goal – add public value
3. Translate values into action
4. Monitor performance in line with values
please number please number please number
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide