Template 6.2.3: Description of the Current Situation (Service Operational Model)
This template assists you to dene and describe your current Service Operational
Model, to outline the current baseline and to describe the measures that are in place.
It acts as a foundation to guide change activities.
How to use it?
Describe the current situation/baseline of your service in Column 2 based on the
prompts outlined in Column 1. Indicate measures that are in place or agreed in
Column 3.
Service: Date:
Current Service Operational Model Baseline of the service – describe the current situation
Your answers in this column will auto-fill into Baseline column in 6.3.3
Measures – outline what is in place
Model of Care or Service Provision Model of Care or Service Provision
Overall philosophy of care (medical, psychosocial,
therapeutic, holistic, etc.)
Who will use the service?
Who will deliver the service?
Who will the service interact with most, i.e. referral
sources, other teams or agencies, etc.?
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide