Document Purpose
The purpose of this Project Initiation Document is to outline the key information
regarding the:
This document is designed to be a vehicle for communication to all interested parties
and will be updated throughout the project.
Please note: for all projects under the governance of the Programme for Health
Service Improvement, the Project Initiation Document should be prepared
and submitted for approval using this template. Once approved, it should be
transferred to the ProjectVision project management software tool and updated
there throughout the project lifecycle.
Executive Summary
Describe the high level purpose for the project.
Describe the circumstances that have led to this project, i.e. define the current
business need or problem that the project aims to understand and solve. Describe
any other organisational factors that relate to the project.
Detail the project objectives – specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic,
and time-based statements that describe what you want to achieve to address
the defined business need or problem.
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide
Template 6.2.11: Project Initiation Document (PID) (continued)