Template 6.1.1: Interest Inuence Mapping Grid
This template assists you to understand your stakeholders in terms of their level of
interest in the change and their level of inuence. This data will support you in distilling
core groups and shaping how best to involve stakeholders in the change process.
How to use it?
Use the high/low axis as guidance to list both internal and external stakeholders in the
relevant quadrants in terms of:
their level of interest in the change – the extent to which individuals or groups have
a vested interest in the change/their expectations of what they want the change to
the influence – extent to which individuals or teams are able to inuence others to
change. Inuence is apparent in formal and informal ways such as opinion leaders
and ‘go to’ people, as well as through position, status and access to resources
Having grouped stakeholders, engage directly with them to consider how they might
feel about and react to the change. Consult the individuals and groups on how they
would like to be involved and what approaches would work best. Use the guidance to
inform your planning, i.e. individuals/groups whom you need to keep fully engaged and
those for whom you wish to increase engagement.
Colour coding – optional
To assist you to transfer this data to other templates, you may consider colour
coding each grouping in line with the four quadrants and group internal and external
stakeholders separately for ease of reference.
Figure 26: Influence-Interest Mapping Grid
Identify and address
their needs
Low interest/high influence
Engage and consult
on interest areas.
Try to increase level
of interest.
Aim to move to
right-hand box
Low interest/low influence
Inform via general
newsletters, website,
mail shots, etc.
Aim to move to
right-hand box
Keep fully engaged
High interest/high influence
Key players –
focus efforts on this group.
Involve in leadership
and setting direction.
Engage and consult
at all stages
Increase engagement
High interest/low influence
Possible advocates/
supporters for the change
Keep informed and consult
on interest areas.
Citizens and service users often
fall into this category – take
steps to increase their
influence by empowering them
to be involved and to become
active citizens
Adapted from: Eden and Ackermann (1998: 122) [103]; Bryson, J. M. et al (2011) [40]
People’s Needs Defining Change – Health Services Change Guide
People’s Needs Defining Change Health Services Change Guide