Eastern Florida State College
Dear Employer:
Eastern Florida State College has an exciting new opportunity for your organization. It was recently awarded a federal
grant to train workers in Information Technology and Advanced Manufacturing.
More specifically, the MYTECHHIRE program at Eastern Florida offers career training and certification in Computer
Hardware/Software, IT Project Management, Information Security, Network Security, Microsoft Office Specialist, IPC J-STD
Soldering, Certified Production Technician, NIMS, and OSHA.
The program offers short, introductory, non-credit courses and boot camps that lead to industry recognized certificates.
The next 10 years are expected to bring an increase in the Information Technology and Advanced Manufacturing fields in
Brevard County. That’s why MyTechHire wants to work with you to make sure you have a hand in developing the talent to
fill these future jobs, and why we’d like you to join us as an industry partner. There is no cost or other obligation.
Participating benefits local industries by having a role in developing the future workforce and enhancing the learning
experience for students striving for a future in these local industries.
Here are a few examples of how your company can partner with the MyTechHire Program.
• Take or send your employees to short courses.
• Provide recommendations for the course curriculum for the future workforce.
• Provide meaningful hands on internships.
• Conduct seminars and information sessions about your industry.
• Teach as an adjunct professor in your career specialty.
• Participate as an experienced industry guest speaker/ entrepreneur.
• Offer tours of your workplace to give students firsthand experience of their potential work environment.
• Use, test and conduct research with some of our state-of-the-art hardware and software.
• Provide employment opportunities for high quality professionals.
• Participate in job fairs and other events with regional workforce boards and Eastern Florida State College.
• Network with other MyTechHire Industry partners and educational institutions.
We hope that your company recognizes the importance of training the workforce of tomorrow, and we look forward to
playing an important role in this program under the leadership of EFSC and its educational partners.
w are ways your company can enhance the MyTechHire program at Eastern Florida. Please check options that your
company can participate in and complete the contact section at the bottom. Upon completion, return, scan, or fax it to the
contact listed below.
pany Name_________________________________________ Representative________________________________________________
Phone number_________________________________________ Email__________________________________________________________
_____ Provide speakers
_____ Participate in job fairs and other events
_____ Serve on advisory committes
_____ Internship opportunities
_____ Post job opportunities and internships
_____ Tour of business
_____ Summer Workshops _____
For more information contact:
Phillip O’Meally
MYTechHire Program Manager
Eastern Florida State College
250 Community College Parkway
Palm Bay, Florida 32909
321-433-5146 (Tel) 321-433-5317 (Fax)
Barbara Eyer
MYTechHire Program Coordinator
stern Florida State College
1519 Clearlake Rd.
Cocoa, FL 32922
321-433-7410 (Tel) 321-433-5317 (Fax)