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8. FACULTY MENTOR’S SUPPORT FORM (if more than one faculty, each have to submit this form)
To be completed by faculty mentor. Must be signed and included with application.
Application Information:
Students Name:
Project Title:
Faculty Mentor Information:
Name: Rank:
College/School : Department:
Telephone: Campus Box:
Email Address:
Is IRB Approval Required? Yes No If yes, has it been secured? Yes No
Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at Tennessee Technological University
Is Performance License, Royalties, or Copyright Permission Required? Yes No
If yes, has it been secured? Yes No
Is IACUC Approval Required? Yes No If yes, has it been secured? Yes No
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Have the Students taken all required safety courses? Yes No
Faculty Mentor Endorsement:
Please complete the following Faculty Mentor Endorsement form describing the merit of the
project and its potential impact on the student, the student’s potential for successful completion, and your role in the project. Your
comments are very influential in the committee’s decision. Please Type.
1) Please provide comments on the merit of this project and its potential impact on the student’s engagement in
research, scholarship, and/or creative activity.
2) Please comment on the student’s potential for successfully completing the project.
3) Please comment on your role in this project.
Mentor Signature Date
My department chair is aware of this project and is supportive of the project and my involvement as a faculty mentor.
click to sign
click to edit