可致電 2804 2600。
應繳費用——如欲知最新費用,你可於本署各牌照事務處詢問處、或致電顧客服務熱線 2804 2600 ╱ 1823 電話中心查詢、參閱牌照事務處的牌照費用表 (TD341) 或瀏覽運輸署網頁
The new owner’s notice must be accompanied by the following:—
the Vehicle Registration Document (the original document and signed by the registered owner);
the original Certificate of Allocation of Personalized Registration Mark (if the vehicle is assigned with a personalized registration mark);
in the case of a private owner, the new owner’s Hong Kong Identity Card (original) or a Passport (original) for non-identity card holders; In the case of a company, the new owner’s
Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate of Registration of Non-Hong Kong Company/Certificate of Change of Name/Certificate of Registration of Alteration of Name of
Registered Non-Hong Kong Company (original for the first registration of vehicle ownership), the application should be signed by a person nominated and authorized by the
company together with his full name and company chop; In the case of transfer of Private or Public Light Bus, or transfer of Private or Public Bus, a Business Registration
Certificate and the application must be submitted to the Public Vehicle Section at the Hong Kong Licensing Office for approval in advance;
the Third Party Risk Insurance Certificate or Cover Note issued in the name of the new owner (valid on the date when transfer of ownership is effected);
where the registered owner has died, a probate or letter of administration must be produced; and
Original or photocopy of proof of present address (residential address/company address and correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from now (includes
utility or telecommunication bills, documents issued by banks, insurance companies, government departments, local universities, international charitable organizations or
charitable organizations registered in Hong Kong. The full list of acceptable proof of address is available at this Department's website (http://www.td.gov.hk/en/public_services/
licences_and_permits/proof_of_address/index.html). For enquiries, please call 2804
the appropriate fee — For enquiry about the updated application fee, you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of Licensing Offices or from Customer Service Hotline
2600/1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) from licensing offices, or visit Transport Department’s website (www.td.gov.hk) for information. If pay by cheque/
cashier order, please make cheque/cashier order payable to either “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” or “The Government of the HKSAR” and
crossed. Please write down your name, vehicle registration mark and daytime contact telephone number on the back of the cheque/cashier order; cash should not be sent by post.
(一)香港金鐘道 95號統一中心 3樓運輸署香港牌照事務處;或
(二)九龍長沙灣道 303號長沙灣政府合署 2樓運輸署九龍牌照事務處;或
(三)九龍觀塘鯉魚門道 12號東九龍政府合署 5字樓運輸署觀塘牌照事務處;或
(四)新界沙田上禾輋路 1號沙田政府合署 2樓運輸署沙田牌照事務處。
請注意:如申請人擬親自或由代理人同時遞交「車輛過戶通知書(的士除外) 」( TD25)及「轉移或保留車輛登記號碼申請書」( TD129)兩份申請,則必須前往香港金鐘道95號統一
中心3 樓運輸署香港牌照事務處或九龍長沙灣道303 號長沙灣政府合署 2 樓運輸署九龍牌照事務處辦理。
如需查詢運輸署各牌照事務處服務時間,可致電2804 2600 或瀏覽運輸署網站 www.td.gov.hk
No application by post will be accepted.
You must submit your application in person or by agent to (if the application is submitted by an agent, the a
gent is required to produce his/her
own original identity document for record purpose):—
Transport Department Hong Kong Licensing Office at 3/F., United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong, or
Transport Department Kowloon Licensing Office at 2/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Of
fices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, or
Transport Department Kwun Tong Licensing Office at 5/F., Kowloon East Gov
ernment Offices, 12 Lei
Yue Mun Road, or
Transport Department Sha Tin Licensing Office at 2/F., Sha Tin Government Offices, No. 1 Sheung Wo Che Road, Sha Tin, New Territories.
Attention: If the applicant wishes to submit your applications for “Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle (Except Taxi)” (TD25) and “Application to Transfer or Retain a Vehicle
Registration Mark” (TD129) in person or by agent at the same time, please go to Transport Department Hong Kong Licensing Office at 3/F.,
United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
or Transport Department Ko
wloon Licensing Office at 2/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon for process of both applications.
For enquiry on service hours of Transport Department licensing offices, please call 2804 2600 or visit our website www.td.gov.hk
(1) 如任何駕駛執照持有人╱登記車主曾向運輸署署長提供其姓名、地址或身分證明文件有所改變,他╱她須在改變出現後72小時內以書面或遞交已填妥的運輸署表格TD559,
如車輛登記文件及車輛牌照內記載的事項(例如顏色、引擎號碼等)有任何改變,登記車主須把已填妥的運輸署表格 TD559,連同表格內所註明的文件,將有關改變通知運輸署署長。
If a change occurs in the name, address or identity document of a driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner pre
viously provided by the driving licence holder/registered vehicle
owner to the Commissioner for Transport, the driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner shall, within 72 hours of the change, notify the Commissioner for Transport in writing
or by submitting the completed Tra
nsport Department Form TD559 with the proof of change. Any person who without reasonable e
xcuse contravenes such requirement commits an
offence and is liable to a fine of $2,000. For cases of change of name or change of identity document, the driving licence holder/registered owner shall also deliver to
the Commissioner for Transport the existing original driving licence (if applicable), original driving instructor’s licence (if applicable), original vehicle registration document (if
applicable), vehicle licence (if applicable) and Certificate of Allocation of Personalized Registration Mark (if applicable) for amendment.
For any change of address notified in this notice, all vehicle/driving licence records of
the applicant under the same identity document no./Certificate of Incorporation no./Company
Registration no. held by this Department will also be changed.
Any amendments in this notice must be signed by the new owner and the registered (old) vehicle owner. Otherwise, the a
pplication will not be accepted.
If the registered (old)
vehicle owner has used cheque to settle payment of outstanding traffic fine, application for transfer of vehicle ownership would only be processed after
7 working days from the date of cheque payment.
If there is change of any entry in the registration document and vehicle licence relating to the vehicle (e
.g. colour, engine no. etc.), the registered vehicle ovwner shall submit a duly
completed Transport Department Form TD559 together with the required documents stated in the form to notify the Commissioner for Transport of such change.
If the new owner is a company, the name and address of the registered office of the company should be given and should be signed by a person nominated by the company together with
his full name and company chop. If the vehicle is acquired by a private firm, the vehicle must be registered in the name of the proprietor or principal partner. Vehicles cannot be registered
in the name of a firm or institution unless it is an incorporated body.
Please tear off here and send the notices to the Commissioner for Transport after they have been duly completed.
TD 25 (Rev. 08/2018) 第二頁 Page 2
路上零意外 香港人人愛 Zero Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong's Goal