Registration for Substitute Forms, page 3
77-100c (06/08/20)
□ IA Corporation Schedules F and G (42-020)
□ IA Corporation Schedule H1, H2, H3 (42-021)
□ IA Corporation Schedules I, J1 and J2 (42-022)
□ IA 1120X Iowa Amended Corporation Income Tax Return (42-024)
□ IA Corporation Schedule L Iowa Nexus Adjustment (42-025)
□ IA 1139-CAP Application for Refund Due to Carryback of Capital Losses (42-028) - no barcode
□ IA 1120ES Corporate Estimated Tax Payment Voucher (45-004)
□ IA 2220 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Corporations and Financial Institutions (45-006)
Check this box if you are going to include 2D barcode on form IA 1040 (41-001)
□ IA 1040 Iowa Individual Income Tax Form (41-001)
*form contains 2D barcode*
□ IA 1040 Schedule A, Iowa Itemized Deductions (41-004)
□ IA 1040C Composite Individual Income Tax Return for Nonresidents (41-006)
□ IA 1040 Schedule B, Interest and Dividend Income (41-029)
□ IA 1040XV Amended Payment Voucher (41-121)
□ IA 1040X Amended Individual Income Tax Return (41-122)
□ IA 123 Net Operating Loss (NOL) Schedule (41-123)
□ IA 126 Iowa Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Credit Schedule (41-126)
□ IA 2440 Disability Income Exclusion (41-127)
□ IA 6251 Iowa Alternative Minimum Tax Computation (41-131)
□ IA 6251B Balance Sheet/Statement of New Worth (41-135)
□ IA 1040V Iowa Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher (41-137)
□ IA 177 Iowa Adoption Tax Credit (41-154)
□ IA 100A Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Cattle, Horses, or Breeding Livestock (41-155)
□ IA 100B Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Real Property Used in a Farm Business (41-156)
□ IA 100C Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Real Property Used in a Non-Farm Business (41-157)
□ IA 100D Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Timber (41-158)
□ IA 100E Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – Business (41-159)
□ IA 100F Iowa Capital Gain Deduction – ESOP (41-160)
□ IA 8995 Composite Return Qualified Business Income Deduction (41-166) - no barcode
□ IA 1040ES Individual Income Estimate Tax Payment Voucher (45-002)
□ IA 2210 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals (45-007)
□ IA 2210F Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fishers (45-008)
□ IA 2210 AI Annualized Income Installment Method (45-011)
□ IA 2210S Short Method Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals (45-012)
□ IA 1065 Iowa Partnership Return of Income (41-016)
☐ IA 1065 Schedule K-1 (41-018)
□ IA 706 Iowa Inheritance Tax Return (60-008)