PT-TSBR Rev 10/15 v3
BIDDER# ________________________
EXPIRATION: _____________________
Tax Sale Bidder Registration
Under Texas Tax Code 34.011 Regarding Tax Sales
“I certify that the prospective owner owes no delinquent property taxes to any taxing units within Harris County. By
signing below, I further certify that the information provided on this Tax Sale Bidder Registration form is true and
correct. I acknowledge and understand that furnishing false information on this form is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE, and is
subject to fines and/or imprisonment as provided by the Texas Penal Code.”
Printed Name: ________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________
You may complete and mail this form to: Harris County Tax-Collector, P.O. Box 3746, Houston, Texas 77253-3746.
You may also register at Click on the Registration of Bidders button in the Delinquent Tax Sales
Name as it will appear on the deed:
As an individual, list the names and addresses of any partnership, joint venture, LLC or LLP of which you are a member.
If you are bidding as a representative or agent, list below the name and address of the individual or business
represented. Documentation authorizing you to bid on behalf of said individual or entity is required.
CURRENTLY OWNED PROPERTY: List all property in Harris County now owned by the purchaser(s). Provide as much
information as possible. Attach additional pages or write on the back of this form if needed.
Property Address/Legal Description
Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar