Target Corporate Giving
GiftCard Request Form
Our local stores care about the communities they are in. If your organization is a nonprofit 501(c) 3,
accredited school or government agency, you may request a Target GiftCard donation.
To be considered, please fill out this form completely and bring it to your local Target store. You will
GiftCard donations are available Feb.-Dec., as funding permits. An average donation is $25-50 with the
maximum donation of $500 per year, per agency. Target does not donate merchandise.
eGiftCard Physical GiftCard
Name of Organization
Amount Requested
eGiftCard or Physical GiftCard
Date funds are needed by
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Contact Person
Phone Number
Email Address
Explanation of how GiftCard will be used
9-digit Federal Tax Employer Identification
Organization Address
will need to provide a Government Affirmation letter or other IRS-provided letter for verification of your
nonprofit organization or public agency (i.e., public school, public library) status.
This document contains both information and form fields. To read information, use the Down Arrow from a form field.