Example: House Finch 3 5 12 12 (enter this number online)
Example: Blue Jay displaced American Goldfinch No
Helpful hints
Under “Species name,” list the birds you see most often. Then make copies of your tally sheet.
Print tally sheets from our website at: feederwatch.org/about/detailed-instructions/#prepare-a-tally-sheet.
The 2 consecutive dates of this count are __________ and __________
Project FeederWatch
Tally Sheet
Bird Counts
Use the space to the right to
tally the number of individu-
als of each species that you
see simultaneously. Report
your counts to Project Feed-
erWatch at feederwatch.org
(do not send in this Tally
Sheet). Report only the
highest number seen simul-
taneouslydo not add your
running tally together.
When did you watch your
FeederWatch count site?
q Day 1, morning
q Day 1, afternoon
q Day 2, morning
q Day 2, afternoon
Estimate the cumulative time
you watched your FeederWatch
count site.
q Less than 1 hour
q 1 to 4 hours
q 4+ to 8 hours
q More than 8 hours
Snow depth
Mark the average conditions
during the two-day count.
q None
q Under 5 cm (under 2")
q 5 cm to 15 cm (2" to 6")
q Over 15 cm (over 6")
Eye disease
Watch for eye disease in House
Finches, Purple Finches, Eve-
ning Grosbeaks, or goldfinches
and note how many birds you
see with the disease at one time.
FeederWatch ID number: Password: Username:
Species name Highest number seen at one time
Behavior Interactions
Use the space below to note if a bird attempted to displace or depredate another
bird and if the attempt was successful.
Source species Behavior Target species Successful?
For complete instructions see the FeederWatch Handbook & Instructions,
or find instructions online at www.feederwatch.org/about/detailed-instructions.
Quick Instructions
1. Choose your count site
Choose a portion of your yard that is easy to monitor, typically an
area that is visible from your home.
2. Choose your count days
Select two consecutive count days as often as once a week. Leave
at least five days when you do not count between each of your
two-day counts. (You can leave more time between counts but
not less.)
3. How to count
For each species, record the maximum number of individuals
visible simultaneously during the two-day count. Do not add your
counts together!
4. What to count
Please count
birds attracted to food or water you provided
birds attracted to fruits or ornamental plantings
hawks and other predatory birds that are attracted by the
birds at your feeders
But do not count
birds that simply fly over the count site
birds seen on non-count days
5. Report your counts
Submit your data to Project FeederWatch at www.feederwatch.
org. This tally sheet is for your own record-keeping only.
6. Describe your site
Please describe your count site by following the "describe your
site" link or clicking on the "Your Count Site" button on the Your
Data home page.
©2019 Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
For assistance, contact the Project FeederWatch office in your country.
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160
Port Rowan, Ontario N0E 1M0
(519) 586-3531
email address: pfw@birdscanada.org
United States
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, New York 14850
(607) 254–2427
Data entry questions: pfwonline@cornell.edu
Bird-related questions: feederwatch@cornell.edu
Project FeederWatch is a research and education project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada.