page 7taking actions on concerns about practice workbook
Workbook Activity # 4:
Coaching Davina (continued)
4. You may be thinking you could do any of the above possibilities. Let us run through them.
• Raise her concerns with Ryan directly and respectfully, making sure he understands that she has observed
a practice issue that is a pattern. She recommends he reviews the protocols himself, or requests help from
his manager to get training from a CNE in the protocols.
- This is one way to go, if Davina is comfortable raising her concerns with Ryan and knows he will follow
• Raise her concerns with her manager, before going to Ryan and letting him know what she has observed.
- This is another approach, where Davina is demonstrating her concern about the unsafe practice by
involving the manager early and being transparent with Ryan about it.
• Ask her manager to deal with it and not tell Ryan anything
- This approach which will demonstrate she is fulfilling her legal, ethical and professional duty to report,
and if she is uncomfortable being direct with Ryan this is an option. However, will she feel comfortable
not being transparent with Ryan, they are friends after all?
• Go to BCCNM Practice Consultation Services for advice.
- If all of 1 – 3 offer pros and cons and it is hard to decide which option to advise, then this is the perfect
place to start – she could get advice on the specific situation from Practice Consultation Services. She
just needs to give them a call and have a confidential conversation with a consultant who will help
guide her through the decision making on next steps.
• Wait and see if she notices any other examples of the practice issue.
- This option is a “no”. It is clear there is a pattern of unsafe behaviour, therefore, Davina needs to be
advised to take action now and not wait any longer. The safety of the public is at risk and she has a
professional, ethical and legal duty to take action.
Taking Actions
on Concerns About Practice Web Page: