7/15/2020 KDS
Filing Date: ____________________ Campaign Dates Requested: __________________________________
Name of Organization: ________________________________________________________________________
Home Office Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City & State: _____________________________________________Phone: ______________________________
State of Illinois Charter #: ______________________________ Years in Existence: ________________________
Name of Local Chairman: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________Email: ___________________________________
City & State_________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Has your organization solicited in the Village of Niles previously? Yes_________ No__________
If yes, when? _______________________________________________________________________
Describe the nature of your organization and the purpose of your fund-raising efforts:
I certify that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that I
have signed the Hold Harmless Agreement and read the Village of Niles Rules and Regulations for Fund
Drive/Tag Days.
Signature: __________________________________________________Date: ___________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________Phone: __________________________
Return completed form and requested materials to:
Village of Niles
Office of the Village Manager
1000 Civic Center Drive, Niles, IL 60714
Phone: (847) 588-8005; Fax (847) 588-8051; kds@vniles.com
For Office Use Only
Date Received: ______________
Approved Denied
Please submit a Certificate of Liability Insurance. This certificate must show that your
organization has obtained insurance providing coverage for bodily injury liability in the amount
of $1,000,000 for any individual and $1,000,000 for any occurrence. Said policy shall name the
Village of Niles as an additional insured.
7/15/2020 KDS
7/15/2020 KDS
Any solicitor, or the organization represented by the solicitor, as represented by the undersigned, shall
at all times indemnify and hold harmless the Village of Niles and its officers, agents and employees
from any and all actions, claims, demands, liabilities and damages that may be brought against the
Village as a result of any accident or claim, including but not limited to negligence, or other occurrence
resulting in injury to any person or property during the approved fund drive/tag day/tag day event.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature of Official Representative Name of Organization
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Printed Name Date