Tadley Town Council Burial Authority
Notice of Interment
1. Full name ___________________________________________________________
2. Address _____________________________________________________________
3. Date of birth _________________________________________________________
4. Name and address of next of kin _________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
5. Date of death _________________________________________________________
6. Parish in which death occurred ____________________________________________
7. Date and time of interment ________________________________________________
8. Religion of person to be buried _____________________________________________
9. Ashes/Full Burial Single/Double New/Re-open (delete which does not apply)
NAME OF UNDERTAKERS (please print) ………………………………………………………
SIGNATURE OF UNDERTAKER ………………………………………………………………..
DATE ……………………
I the undersigned agree to adhere to the Regulations for Tadley Cemetery as set out
by Tadley Town Council and accept the only items permitted on graves are floral
SIGNATURE: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
PRINT NAME: ……………………………………… DATE: …………………