VII. Safety and Health
Baldwin County Employee Handbook - Approved 4/2/2013 Page VII-16
j. “Drug Program Coordinator” is the person designated by the Baldwin County
Commission to ensure compliance with this Policy, including, but not limited to, ensuring
that proper testing procedures are followed, ensuring that the lab(s) used by the Baldwin
County Commission are properly certified and ensuring that the Medical Review Officer
is properly credentialed. The name and contact information of the Drug Program
Coordinator will be distributed to all employees.
k. “Employer Premises” includes all property owned, leased, used or under the control of
Baldwin County Commission, including, but not limited to, the job site of any employee,
structures, building offices, facilities, vehicles and equipment or transportation to and
from those locations while in the course and scope of County employment.
l. “Employee” means any and all employees of the Baldwin County Commission.
m. “Illegal/Unauthorized Drug” means any drug (1) which is legally obtainable but has not
been legally obtained or, even if legally obtained, is not being used in accordance with
instructions given either by a physician or, if over-the counter, on the drug’s label; or (2)
all illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, etc.
n. “Intoxicating Substance” means any substance, whether legal or illegal, that may have an
intoxicating or mind-altering effect when ingested, snorted, smoked or otherwise
introduced into the body. Intoxicating substances include, but are not limited to, “bath
salts,” nitrous oxide, glues, solvents or herbs or other plants such as salvia.
o. “Legal Drug” means prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs which have been
legally obtained and are being used appropriately for their intended purpose in
accordance with directions given either on the label or by employee’s treating physician.
p. “Possession” means actual or constructive care, custody, control or immediate access.
q. “Under the Influence” means being unable to perform work in a safe and productive
manner; being in a physical or mental condition which creates a risk to the safety and
well-being of the individual, other employees or the public; and/or having any laboratory
evidence of the presence of drugs, alcohol, prohibited or controlled substance in the
employee’s body.
r. “Medical Review Officer” (MRO) means a licensed physician (medical doctor)
responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by the county’s drug testing
program. The MRO shall have knowledge of substance abuse disorders and have
appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual’s confirmed positive
test result, together with his or her medical history and any other relevant biomedical
s. “Random Selection Process” is the process used to ensure that each employee holding a
safety-sensitive position has an equal chance of being drug-tested every time that random
drug tests are conducted. This process means that some employees may be tested
multiple times in any given year.
t. “Reasonable Cause” means that the County believes the actions or appearance or conduct
of an employee on duty are indicative of the use of a controlled substance or alcohol.
u. “Safety-Sensitive Employees” are those persons who are subject to random drug and
alcohol testing. These employees include, but are not limited to, persons who inspect,
service, repair or maintain a vehicle or other heavy equipment, operate or load a vehicle
or heavy equipment, use tools, including both power and hand tools, that have the