Table Tent & Java Jacket Request Form
Submit completed form to Bridgette.Smith@UND.edu
Requestor Name
Contact for Charge Approval
As of July 1, 2016, Dining Services will be charging a $5.00 fee per table tent request, times number of locations,
(Wilkerson and Squires Food Court), times number of weeks requested, to organizations, offices, and departments
promoting, advertising, and/or informing the campus community about their event or service.
You are welcome to view
the recent policy changes at https://und.edu/student-life/dining/policies.html#d14e86-6
Locations ☐ $5 Wilkerson Xpress 700 count ☐ $5 O’Kelly Stomping Grounds 700 count
The Labels that accommodate the java jackets can be no larger than 4” wide x 2” tall. The label can be any shape
(circle, square, and rectangle) but must remain within this size guideline. The Requester needs to pick up a box
of java jackets from the location you are requesting to advertise at, during the week before your approved week.
$5 Squires Food Court 82 ct
Table tent holders at Wilkerson & Squires are 7” tall X 5” wide (portrait orientation). Your organization is
responsible for placing the inserts into the holders. You can do this the morning of your first approved date.
Wilkerson Dining Center opens at 7 am and Squires Food Court opens at 10 am. The custodial staff at the
centers will remove the inserts and dispose of them on the evening of your last day.
Java Jacket O’Kelly Stomping Grounds
Java Jacket Wilkerson XPress
Table Tent Squires Food Court
pon submission of the above information, please allow 3-5 business days for approval by the
Director of Dining Services. A reply from Dining Services Administration will follow.
Artwork must be attached to request email.