University Archives and Special Collections
Researcher Registration Form
Tennessee Tech University Angelo and Jennette Volpe Library
Room 100, 1100 N. Peachtree Avenue, Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: 931-372-3537 Email:
Rules of the Use of Archives
1. First-time users must complete and sign a Registration Form and present a photo ID
2. Researcher will apply care and handling to the archives as directed by archivist. Do not mark, fold, or
mutilate materials. Handle materials with clean hands.
3. Researchers may only use pencils as writing implements.
4. Archivist or staff will determine appropriate amount of materials used by a researcher at one time, for
instance: one folder; one item; one box.
5. Researcher will retain order and sequence of all archival materials. For instance, records in a folder must
remain in the sequence they are in when received by researcher. Folders in a box must remain in order they
are in when received by researcher.
6. Coats, bags, and anything deemed too bulky for the reading room will be checked at the door.
7. A “Permission to Publish” form, as applicable, will be created when researcher wants to publish materials
including web site use, display, and print, unless the material is in the public domain.
8. Materials are non-circulating and their use is only permitted on site.
9. Staff reserves the right to examine researcher and all of their personal materials (e.g., paper, portable
computer) after they complete their research and are leaving.
10. No food or drink, with the exception of closed container water stored on the floor, are permitted in the
reading room.
11. For publishing or quoting materials, secure permission from the archivist. If the University does not
own the rights to materials, it is the burden of the researcher to secure permission from the copyright
13. Please cite archival holding appropriately: collection, series, box, folder, date, and Archives Name.
14. Researchers interested in photographing items must receive permission and read and complete the
“Camera Use Policy”.
I have read and agree to abide by the “Rules of the Use of Archives”
Signature __________________________________________________Date____________
Print Name_______________________________________________Date____________