Please indicate in the space below at least 2 TRiO Services you will commit to using this Semester.
Working one-on-one with a TRIO staff member
Meeting with a Counselor/Advisor to discuss my goals.
Tutoring (In Person and/or in a Study Group)
Online Tutoring
Attending a Workshop (Study Strategies, Financial Planning, Career Exploration, Transfer, etc.)
Online Workshop
Career Planning
Financial Planning Meeting (FAFSA, Financial Aid, Scholarship Applications, Budgeting)
Utilizing the Technology Library (Textbooks, Calculator, Laptops on Reserve)
Transfer Assistance (College Trips, Assistance Applying to a University, Transfer Advising)
I do not always feel comfortable reaching out for help. (Especially Professors, Tutors, Counselors etc.)
I am not sure I feel prepared to take college-level courses such as Math, English, Science…etc.
I have a history of academic difculties or not passing classes.
I received non-passing or low grades in high school.
I received non-passing or low grades in college.
I am unsure of my career and/or education goals.
My education goals require an ambitious (higher) Grade Point Average (GPA).
I have been out of school for 5 or more years.
English is not my rst language.
Reading, Writing, and communicating my thoughts in writing can be challenging for me.
I have found college processes to be overwhelming or confusing.
I have commitments beyond school. (ex: work, family, caregiving)
I experience high levels of stress/feeling overwhelmed.
I am not sure if college is “right” for me or my lifestyle.
I could use some help with learning how to study, research, notetaking, time management, etc.
I could use some help completing Financial Aid processes (such as FAFSA).
I am not sure I can afford to go to college.
I have participated in similar Academic Success programs like Upward Bound, Talent Search…etc.
1. I agree to participate in at least 2 TRiO Services each semester.
2. I will do my best to make progress towards my Education Goals.
3. I understand that a TRiO staff member may contact me at any time to check in about this progress.
4. I also understand that if I do not utilize TRiO Services, I may be removed from the program.
5. I will notify TRiO staff if I decide not to return next semester.
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Student Signature Date
By signing the below, I am conrming that all the information within this application is complete and accurate to the best fo my knowledge. I understand that by applying
to the TRiO SSS program, I authoize program staff to obtain records or data pertinent to my participation from other campus ofces and to relase information to the
U.S. Department of Education for reporting purposes. The personal information I provive is protected by the Family Educational Acts and Pricacy Act (FERPA), and will
be kept condential.
Action: Admit Waitlist Not eligible
Directors Signature
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