TRiO SSS PY5 v3.1 04/24 1
Student Support Services
Program Application
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ADMISSION: TRiO Student Support Services is committed to servicing all persons
seeking academic support, and we encourage applications from students of diverse backgrounds. No distinction
is made upon the basis of race, color, disability, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or life
I. Student Information
1. First Name__________________ Middle Name______________ Last Name______________________
2. SS#: _____ - _____ - _____ DOB: ________________ TAMIU Student ID #____________________
3. Local Address:___________________________City_____________State_____Zip Code___________
4. Home Phone: ___________________________ Cellular Phone: _______________________________
5. Permanent Address: _______________________City_____________State_____Zip Code___________
6. Email Address:
7. Personal Email:_________________________________@____________________________________
8. Gender:____Male ____Female
9. Marital Status:____Single ____Married ____Divorced ____Widow/er
10. Citizenship Status:____U. S. Citizen ____Resident Alien ____Resident Alien Card #______________
11. Race/Ethnicity: ___Hispanic ___Black or African American ___American Indian
___White ___Asian ___Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
12. Are you currently employed?____Yes ____No
a. If yes, are you employed at TAMIU as a federal work study ____Yes ____No
b. If yes, are you employed at TAMIU as a staff employee ____Yes ____No
c. If yes, are you employed at TAMIU as Aramark/Book store employee ____Yes ____No
d. If yes, are you employed outside of TAMIU ____Yes ____No
13. What is the average number of hours that you work per week: _______
14. A first-generation college student is one whose parent(s) have not earned a 4 year (baccalaureate)
degree. Are you a first-generation college student?____Yes ____No
15. Name of High School Attended: ____________________________ City: _________ State: _________
16. Year graduated from high school: ________________ high school GPA: ___________
17. Please indicate if you have participated in any of the following program(s). Please check all that apply:
___Upward Bound ___Upward Bound Math/Science ___Talent Search ___E.O.C.
___Student Support Services ___McNair ___CAMP ___Other:__________________________
II. Enrollment Status
18. What is your current classification?
a. ___1st year, never attended before (no college credit)
b.___1st year (have earned college credits) (0-30hrs)
c.___2nd year/sophomore (31-60hrs)
d.___3rd year/junior (61-90hrs)
e.___4th year/senior (91-120hrs)
f.___5th year/other undergraduate (over 120hrs)