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Form OC-02 eff. 09.01.16
Name of
A. If Notice has been given, attach a copy of
the Notice as well as a list of the names
and addresses of the parties receiving such notice. Unless contained in the attached
Notice, attach a copy of the written notice provided to any person who is being
asked to represent another or attach such person’s consent to serve.
B. If Notice is yet to be given, a copy of the Notice as w
ell as a list of the names and
addresses of the parties receiving such Notice shall be submitted at the Audit or
filed before the date of the last day for filing objections in counties without separate
Orphans' Court Divisions together with a statement executed by Petitioner(s) or
counsel certifying that such Notice has been given. Unless contained in the Notice
or previuosly attached, a copy of the written notice provided to any perso
n who is
being asked to represent another or such person’s consent to serve shall be submitted
at the Audit or filed before the date of the last day for filing objections in counties
without separate Orphans' Court Divisions.
C. If any such interested party is not sui juris (e.g., minors or incapacitated persons),
Notice has been or will be given to the appropriate representative on such party’s
behalf as required by Pa. O.C. Rule 4.2.
D. If any charitable interest is involved, Notice has been or will also be given to
the Attorney General as required under Pa. O.C. Rule 4.4. In addition, the
Attorney General’s clearance certificate (or proof of service of Notice and a
copy of such Notice) must be submitted herewith or at the Audit or filed before
the date of the last day for filing objections in counties without separate
Orphans' Court Divisions.
List all parties of whom Petitioner(s) has/have notice or knowledge, having or claiming any
interest in the Trust (if beneficiary is a trust, name the trust and trustee as the Interested Party),
whether such interest is vested or contingent, charitable or non-charitable. This list shall:
A. State each party’s relationship to the Settlor/Decedent and the nature of each party’s
and Address of Each Interested Party
Relationship and Comments, if any
E. If the Account before the Court is a Special Needs Trust established under 42 U.S.C. §
1396p(d)(4), Notice has been or will also be given to the Pennsylvania Department of
Human Services, Special Needs Trust Depository and to the applicable department of
any other state that has provided the special needs beneficiary with medical care under a
state medical assistance program ("Department"). In addition, the Department's letter of
no objection (or proof of service of Notice and a copy of such Notice) must be submitted
herewith or at the Audit or filed before the date of the last day for filing objections in
counties without separate Orphans' Court Divisions.