____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Name of Entity TIN
Corporation Government Entity Sole Proprietorship
Unincorporated Association General Partnership Non-Profit Corporation
Limited Liability Company Limited Partnership Other
The undersigned, acting in the capacity as corporate secretary or custodian of records for the above-named Entity, organized and
existing under the laws of ______________________________________________________________, represents to Truist Bank ("Bank")
that I have reviewed the governing documents and relevant records of the Entity and certify that resolutions or requirements similar to those
below are adopted by and, are not inconsistent with the governing documents or records of the Entity, and that such resolutions or
requirements are current and have not been amended or rescinded.
I. That the Bank is designated as a depository institution for the Entity and that by execution and delivery of this Resolution for
Deposit Account the Entity will be bound by the Bank's deposit account agreement now existing or as may be amended. Any officer, agent
or employee of the Entity is authorized to endorse for deposit any check, drafts or other instruments payable to the Entity, which endorsement
may be in writing, by stamp or otherwise, with or without signature of the person so endorsing.
II. That any one individual named below (a "Designated Representative") is authorized to open accounts on behalf of the Entity, to
close any account or obtain information on any account. Any one Designated Representative may appoint others (an "Authorized Signer") to
conduct transactions on an account by authorizing them to sign their name to the signature card.
III. That the Bank is authorized upon the signature of any one signer on a signature card to honor, pay and charge the account of the
Entity, all checks, drafts, or other orders for payment, withdrawal or transfer of money for whatever purpose and to whomever payable.
IV. That any one Designated Representative may appoint, remove or replace an Authorized Signer, enter into a night depository
agreement, enter into an agreement for cash management services, lease a safe deposit box, enter into an agreement for deposit access
devices, enter into an agreement for credit cards, enter into an agreement relating to foreign exchange and obtain online foreign exchange
services related thereto, or enter into any other agreements regarding an account of the Entity.
8010 (2110)
Prepared By ____________________________________________ Date __________________________________
Center ___________________________________________ Bank No. ____________ State ____________
Forward to:
Centralized Document Scanning Operations
M/C 100-99-15-11
Designated Representative (Signature) Printed Name Title
V. That any prior resolutions or requirements have been revoked or are no longer binding, and that this Resolution for Deposit
Account applies to all accounts at the Bank and will remain in full force and effect until rescinded, replaced or modified in writing in a form
acceptable to the Bank and after the Bank has had a reasonable time to act on such change.
VI. That any transaction by an officer, employee or agent of the Entity prior to the delivery of this Resolution for Deposit Account
is hereby ratified and approved.
8010 (2110)