COR 0005 (10/02/20)
“This Form MUST be Included with Your Submission File”
Client contacts for Underwriter communication
Primary Contact [Processor]
Required Credit Documents - Missing documents will delay your loan until missing items are received
Submission Form “this form”: we need the contact information above to notify you on status updates
1003/ Initial Loan Application “Signed” Gov. Monitoring Info, home phone, DOB and NMLS for LO & Company
1003 Addendum with Demographic information
1003/ Final Submission Application “Unsigned” Gov. Monitoring Info, home phone, DOB and NMLS for LO & Company
1008/ Transmittal Summary
DU or LP findings Finalized to Truist **note: Key Loan Program is manually underwritten, no AUS required**
Appraisal Waiver or PIA: Indicate Yes or No to confirm in writing the borrower(s) are opting for the waiver and an appraisal has not been ordered. For
Refinance Transactions, Include “Property Ownership Affidavit” [COR 0061] [may be signed as a PTC] (if not indicated Yes or No this will be conditioned for)
Credit Report: Age of Document: Agency and Key: 120 days as of Note Date
Income & Assets: Age of Document: Agency and Key: 120 days as of Note Date
Flood Cert: Must be submitted with the credit file on ALL loans that Truist underwrites.
Preliminary Title Report:
Purchase Contract: Legible, All Addendums & Counter Offers included & Signed by all parties (Not required for initial Credit Only submissions)
Credit Package Submission Instructions
1. Client must Not deliver the Appraisal before delivering the Credit File
2. Credit File is uploaded to Lending Space: https://LoanSphereLendingSpace.bkiconnect.com/stm/SRVLPSPORTAL/
“Org. ID” is always: STM
3. Upload the Credit File in separate file from the Disclosures file [do not mix disclosures and credit documentation in same file]
4. When uploading the Credit file, it must be labeled: UW Credit Package & Submitted using “Submit to Underwriting”
5. When uploading the Credit Only file (TBD address), it must be labeled: UW Credit Package & Submitted using “Submit to Credit Only
6. Subsequent Credit Conditions must be labeled: UW Pend Conditions & submitted using “Submit Conditions”.
Upload Disclosures as a separate File from your Credit File [i.e. Do Not Upload Disclosures in the same file as the credit pkg.]
If Flood Determination is Zone A or V – Escrows Are Required by Fed. Law! Impound for, min. Flood Insurance [regardless of LTV]
**Appraisals are uploaded to the Doc Center in LendingSpace
1. Upload Appraisal in MISMO XML format to the Doc Center in Lending Space:
2. Upload Purchase Contract if applicable
Upload SSR’s to LendingSpace/ SSR’s must match the final Truist approved Appraisal
Note: You Must upload SSRs for both Fannie & Freddie
The MI Cert is ordered by the Correspondent [thru Correspondent’s own chosen MI company] - PTC condition
** Condo Warranty is “emailed” to Mortgage.CondoDesk@suntrust.com
1. Please Check the Fannie Mae approved Project List and the Truist Approved Condo list in Section 1.06: Condominium and PUD Approval
Requirements within the Truist Seller Guide. If condo is on the list provide a screen shot and circle the condo project on the list.
2. Include: Condo Submission Form COR 0215
3. Include: Applicable Condo Warranty Documents [See Condo Submission Form for Documents Re quired]
Note: CCR’s are required “if” the condo Unit Owners carry their own hazard/flood insurance [example: detached condo’s]
Note: Key Jumbo requires full warranty
Note: For Applicable Warranty Required : DU: see Property & Appraisal Section of find ings; LP: see seller guide