Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
Family Law Facilitator’s Office
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Item 3. Certain issues may be given priority in the scheduling of Settlement Conference and
Trial dates. Because preferences can be complex, if you wish to request one, please utilize the
resources available at the Law Library or consult a private attorney. If you are not able to claim
a preference or you do not wish to claim a preference, you may leave this section blank.
Item 4. Check the box that is closest to the time you think it will take for both sides to present
their cases. In most cases ½ a day is more than sufficient time to have your case heard.
Item 5. Print the dates the Petition and Response were filed. You will find the date stamped in
the upper right corner of each filed document that says “for Court use only’. If you are unsure,
you can review your file in the Records Department located in Room 102 or check with the
Family Law Facilitator’s Office.
Read Item 6. There is nothing to complete.
Item 7. Print your name, address and telephone number next to either Petitioner or Respondent.
Print your spouse’s name next to the appropriate party designation. If your spouse has an
attorney, print the attorney’s name and address below your spouse’s name. If he or she does not
have an attorney, print your spouse’s address. If there is a Claimant, complete that section as
well. If you have changed your address, you must complete the Notice of Change of Address or
Other Contact Information form (Judicial Council Form MC-040) and submit with the
Memorandum to Set.
Completing the two boxes on page 2:
First, you must contact all other parties (or their attorney) regarding scheduling the Settlement
Conference and Trial dates. If you are unable to reach all other parties, you will need to keep
trying until you are able to discuss the dates. If the other parties are represented by an attorney,
call the attorney’s office. Ask the other party(ies) if they agree to request the first available dates
or if they have specific dates that they are available or are not available.
(Trial Section)
Before completing the box on page 2 that says “Trial”, try to agree with the other party(ies) to at
least three dates on which to schedule a Trial date. Trials are scheduled on Thursdays and
Fridays. Trials, 2 days in length, are heard on Thursday and the subsequent Friday. If there are
specific dates that you or the other party(ies) are not available then you can request “any date
but” the dates either of you are not available. Available dates may be found on the court’s
Public Notice at: https://www.saccourt.ca.gov/family/family-law.aspx.
If both you and your spouse are able to agree upon dates, then print the dates next to the agreed
upon dates in the “Trial” portion of the box of page 2 for the Petitioner, and for the Respondent.
If one or the other of you is available only on certain dates, then print those dates next to the
available dates for each party. If you are merely concerned with having the soonest possible
Trial date, print “first available,” next to either Petitioner’s Available or Agreed Dates, and/or the
Respondent’s Available or Agreed Dates, and/or the Claimant’s (if there is one) Available or
Agreed Dates for the appropriate party.
If you are unable to reach an agreement on dates with the other party or attorney, use the space
provided to explain why you were unable to agree. You must make several attempts to contact