SECTION I (to be completed by student)
Student Name__________________________________________________________ GCID________________________________
Local Address________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number_____________________________ E-mail address: ____________________________________________________
Students who do not attend GCSU while taking transient courses during the Spring or Fall terms must update their records
through the Registrar’s Office before the printed admissions deadline.
Transient Institution _________________________________________________ Transient Term/Year___________/____________
Address _________________________________________________
Transient Credit Information: (undergraduate students only refer to T.A.I.L. on paws.gcsu.edu)
GCSU Credit Equivalent Credit Hours Course approved to Area in which course is to be applied
Course Hours Course Number Sem/Qtr transfer to GCSU (Adviser/Coordinator Use Only)
Number At Above (Registrars Office use only)
Core Major Elective/Minor
GCSU cannot accept course credit until an official transcript has been received from the transient institution. Transient credit
will not be calculated into the GCSU GPA.
Undergraduate students may transfer in a maximum of 80 semester hours of
transfer/transient credit and must complete at least 21 of the last 30 hours at the 3000-4000 level at GCSU. Graduate students may
transfer in a maximum of 9 semester hours as approved by the program coordinator.
I understand the above policy and request permission to take transient courses.
Student Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________
This student has permission to register for the courses listed above.
Adviser’s Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Department Chair’s Signature ___________________________________________________ Date _________________________
Graduate Coordinator’s Signature________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Dean’s Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
s signature
needed only if student is on academic suspension)
SECTION II (to be completed by the Registrar’s Office)
Standing: ❑ This student is in goo
d standing and eligible to return to GCSU
❑ This student is not in good standing but is eligible to return to GCSU
Immunization: ❑ Satisfied ❑ Not Satisfied ❑ Religious Exemption
Registrar’s Signature___________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Date Processed:_________________________ Distribution: White–Transient School; Yellow–GCSU Registrars Office; Pink–Student; Goldenrod–Adviser
Revised 10/2008
CORE Major Elective/Minor