Any student who has attended a post-secondary, regionally accredited institution (college/training institutes)
and/or earned college level credits through high school/college programs, CLEP, Advanced Placement exams
and/or military experience, and is planning to complete a program at Tunxis, might be eligible to transfer
credits into his or her degree program at Tunxis. Transferring credits into Tunxis is not mandatory.
Student must be accepted to Tunxis Community College and currently be in a Degree/Certificate
Program. If you are a Non Degree student, and wish to become program enrolled, you must submit
proof of high school completion and immunization documentation and submit a Change of Program
Student must submit a completed Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Incomplete forms will result in a
delay of the transfer process.
Student must request OFFICIAL transcripts from all previous college/institution(s) listed on the
Transfer Credit Evaluation form. Official transcripts must be sent directly to the Tunxis Admissions
Office. Official transcripts can be mailed directly to the Admissions Office in a sealed envelope.
The Admissions staff processes Transfer Credit Evaluation requests in order of receipt and as
expeditiously as possible. Please note that it may take up to 10 weeks for evaluations to be completed and
may take longer during open and final registration periods. Please plan accordingly when meeting your
goals and submitting your request. Incomplete requests/files will prolong the evaluation process.
A Transfer Credit Evaluation form must be completed and submitted each time an evaluation is requested. New
evaluations should be completed if additional college level coursework is completed outside of Tunxis and/or if
your major/program has changed since last evaluation.
Only courses that apply to your degree or certificate program shall be transferred.
Letter grades of “C-“ or better are accepted for credit only. Letter grades are not accepted or included in
computations of student’s GPA.
Student must complete at least 25% of the minimum credit requirements for the degree or certificate at Tunxis
Community College to meet our graduation requirement.
Once the evaluation is completed, students are notified via email (CCC student email account). Credits will
appear on the student’s transcript which can be found online at my.CommNet.edu.
After receiving notice of completed evaluation, it is strongly recommended that the student meets with his/her
advisor to discuss which credits can be applied to his/her program.
Questions regarding coursework that was transferred into Tunxis can be directed to the Admissions Advisor that
completed the evaluation and/or student’s faculty advisor.
For futher information, see the Transfer Student policy, Course Credit for Prior Learning, and College Level
Examination Program in the Tunxis Community College catalog.
Rev 2/20/14