Statement of Purpose
Bay Path University (BPU) and Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) recognize that, for many students,
the path to a bachelor’s degree may begin at a community college. Moreover, for QCC’s female students,
diverse educational opportunities, including the advantages of enrolling in a women's university to earn a
bachelor's degree, adds great value to educational
This agreement acknowledges that
significance and is formed to enable the smooth transfer
of Quinsigamond Community College
graduates to
Bay Path University's The American Women's College. The American Women’s College (TAWC) offers it
courses online and at its two ground campuses. For the purposes of this articulation agreement between QCC
and TAWC, both institutions recognize that TAWC offers its courses to adult women students in psychology
courses online and on-ground and its human services and rehabilitation courses online only. Furthermore,
both institutions recognize that this agreement pertains to the course offerings at The American Women’s
College division, which runs accelerated 6-week sessions in a variety of modalities that appeal to adult
Further, the purpose of this agreement is to provide smooth transition between the two academic
identifying all required and equivalent courses for the relevant programs at
facilitating credit transfer and guarantee of admission for students who meet
agreed upon
This agreement has been entered into by Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA, and Bay Path
University for programs offered through The American Women’s College, which offers degrees of study both
online and at its campuses located in Longmeadow and in Sturbridge, MA. While TAWC’s campuses offer a
variety of psychology courses on campus, the human services and rehabilitation courses are only available
Programs/Courses Included in This Agreement
A) The Quinsigamond Community College Associate of Science in Human Services will be accepted toward
the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology: Human Services & Rehabilitation at Bay Path University.
B) This acceptance will be offered to QCC students who enroll at The American Women’s College in The
American Women’s College division.
C) All coursework included in the Associate in Science in Human Services degree will be accepted and
applied towards required coursework and electives as stipulated in the Psychology: Human Services &
Rehabilitation Major BA degree. See Appendix A.
Terms and Conditions of Transfer
A) Students who graduate from the QCC Human Services Associate in Science degree with a cumulative
grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher will be guaranteed admission into
Psychology: Human Services & Rehabilitation degree under the terms of