Office of the Registrar
Griffin Campus
501 Varsity Road
Griffin, GA 30223
Office: 770-228-7362
Office of the Registrar
Flint River Campus
1533 Highway 19 South
Thomaston, GA 30286-4752
Office: 706-646-6382
• This release form authorizes the release of your transcript on this date.
• Transcript Release includes social security number, address, grades and academic standing.
• Transcripts will not be released if there is a financial hold on your record.
Transcript fee: $7.50 per transcript. Please pay at SCTC Business Office.
Name: __________________________________________________ Student ID/SS#:_______-______-_______
Name on School Record: _______________________________________________________________________
Present Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: _________ Zip: ______________ Phone: (______) ________________
Date Last Attended _________________________ Program __________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________ Date _____________________________
I am requesting _______ copies of my transcript.
Transcript should be issued to the following: (Person/School/Organization/Other)
As set forth in full in the Student Handbook/Course Catalog, Southern Crescent Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Institution
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Business Office Use Only
Amount Paid: $____________
Receipt #:________________
Date: ___________________
Student Affairs Office Use Only
ID Checked: [ ]
Date Processed: ____________
Processed by: ______________
Revised 6/7/2018
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