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Town of Milton, VT | Development Review Application | Last Revised October 10, 2017
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Which section of the Unified Development Regulations requires that the proposal receive conditional use approval?
(check all that apply)
ALL Conditional Uses, UDR 330 & 430 (refer to UDR 2123 Use Table to determine if a particular use is conditional, permitted
or prohibited in your property’s zoning district)
Non-exempt Public Art, UDR 1105
Changes or Expansions of Non-Conforming Uses, UDR 1303
Alteration of Surface Waters/Wetlands, UDR 3011.D
Salvage Yard, UDR 3110
Adult Entertainment, UDR 1103
All Conditional Uses, UDR 330
Please ATTACH a narrative explaining how the proposal addresses each of the standards of UDR 330 listed below:
Capacity of Community Facilities and Utilities: Demonstrate that the proposed development will not cause a
disproportionate or unreasonable burden on the town’s ability to provide community facilities and utilities. (See UDR 3302)
Traffic: Demonstrate that traffic will not be greater than what would occur at nearby uses; that traffic generated will not
negatively impact roads, intersections and different modes of travel; and that measures have been taken to minimize vehicular
traffic generated by proposed development. (see UDR 3303)
Character of the Area: Demonstrate that the proposed development will be compatible with the character of the area.
(See UDR 3304)
Natural Resources: Demonstrate that proposed development will be designed and located to avoid, minimize and/or
mitigate adverse impacts to significant natural resources. (See UDR 3305)
Energy Conservation: Demonstrate how the applicant has met energy conservation standards in the Unified Development
Regulations. (See UDR 3306)
Check here to verify that you understand and accept the following (UDR 3307):
The Development Review Board may place conditions on any approval as deemed necessary to further the purposes of these
regulations and ensure conformance with all applicable provisions of these regulations.
The Development Review Board may require the applicant to mitigate any impacts of proposed development as a condition of
approval through measures that may include, but are not limited to: (1) Paying for all or a portion of off-site improvements to
community facilities and utilities deemed necessary to accommodate the proposed development. (2) Phasing proposed
development so that the rate of growth will not exceed the town’s ability to provide community facilities and utilities. (3) Paying
for all or a portion of off-site transportation improvements deemed necessary to accommodate anticipated traffic resulting from
the proposed development. (4) Setting aside land for recreation purposes such as playgrounds, parks, trails and/or multi-use paths.
(5) Setting aside land for conservation purposes and protecting it from future development.
Expiration of Approval (UDR 1201.C)
Check here to verify that you understand and accept that a Conditional Use approval shall expire three years from the date of issue.