PERMIT No _______________
Revised August 8, 2016
Sign Application
Planning & Zoning Dept. 410-289-8855
Permit forms are available online at www.oceancitymd.gov
I. Job Location - 911 Address
Lot(s): Block: Parcel: Tax Map: Zone:
Name of Recorded Property Owner Number, Street, City & State Zip Code Phone Number
Sign Owner Number, Street, City & State Zip Code Phone Number
Name of Contractor Number, Street, City & State Zip Code Phone Number
OC Business License
Type of Installation: Permanent: __________ Temporary: __________ Face Change: __________
Area of Face of Sign: Ground (max 150 sq. ft.) __________ Roof (max 150 sq. ft.) __________
Projection (max 100 sq. ft.) __________ Wall (max 150 sq. ft.) __________
Two drawing must accompany all application and contain the following information:
1. A general site plan drawn at a legible scale which shall show the location of the proposed sign and of every
building or structure on the lot.
2. Specifications and drawings drawn to scale shall indicate but not be limited to height above the ground, legend,
structural design and attachment of sign.
Note: All off- premise signs are prohibited. All signs shall be constructed to withstand the wind pressure as specified in Section 1609 of
the International Building Code. Temporary signs shall be removed within six (6) months of the issuance of this permit.
ELECTRICIAN’S Written Statement: A Maryland Licensed Master Electrician must appear in person at the Building Inspection
Office to complete the following:
Electrician’s Name __________________________ Trading as __________________________ O.C. Business License __________
Address _______________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________
City ______________________________ State __________ Zip ______________ Email __________________________________
I certify I am presently licensed in the County of _____________________, Maryland, Electrician’s License No. _______________
as a __________________________ electrician and have been hired to perform the electrical work covered by this building permit.
I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of law and ordinance
governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to
violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local agency that regulates construction or the performance of construction.
__________________________________________ ____________________________
Building Plans Examiner / Chief Building Official
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