Permit Fee $65.00 PERMIT # _____________
Please see reverse side for list of Third Party Electrical and Mechanical Inspection Agencies.
Mechanical Permit Application
Planning & Zoning Dept. 410-289-8855
Permit forms are available online at
Job Site Address: __________________________________ Recorded Property Owner: __________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ____________________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________________
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ___________________________________________________________________________
COST OF WORK $_____________________
Is new wiring being run? YES or NO
⌂ If so, you will need to have a licensed electrician sign onto this Mechanical
Permit Application before the permit will be issued.
HVACR’S Written Statement: A Maryland Licensed Master HVACR must appear in person at the Building Inspection
Office to complete the following:
HVACR Name _______________________________________ Trading as _______________________________________
Address ______________________________________________ Email _________________________________________
O.C. Business License ___________________ HVAC Lic No ____________________ Phone No. ________________________________
I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of law and ordinance
governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to
violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local agency that regulates construction or the performance of construction.
___________________________________ ____________________________
ELECTRICIAN’S Written Statement: A Maryland Licensed Master Electrician must appear in person at the Building
Inspection Office to complete the following:
Electrician’s Name ___________________________________ Trading as ____________________________________
Address _______________________________________________ Email ________________________________________
O.C. Business License ______________________________________ Phone No. _____________________________________________
I certify I am presently licensed in the County of _________________________, MD, Electrician License Number _____________ as
a ______________________________ and have been hired to perform the electrical work covered by this building permit.
___________________________________ ____________________________
Date Paid
Building Plans Examiner / Chief Building Official
Receipt No.
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