The undersigned is fully aware of the request/proposal being made and the actions being initiated on the referenced
property. The undersigned understands that the application must be found to be complete by the Town of Firestone
before the request can officially be accepted and the development review process initiated.
The undersigned is aware and acknowledges that the applicant, pursuant to Section 16.7.2(B)(5) of the Firestone
Development Code, shall be assessed, and responsible for making full payment of, all development review fees and
deposits associated with this application, including without limitation, all costs billed by the Town for legal, engineering
and planning expenses incurred by staff and consultants acting on behalf of staff, if necessary. All development review
expenses incurred by the Town of Firestone with respect to this application must be paid by the applicant prior to the
scheduling of hearings or meetings for this application.
The undersigned hereby agrees to pay all development review fees associated with this application and to provide to the
Town the deposits in the amounts indicated below at the time of application submittal. Deposits paid at the time of
application submittal are estimates of the minimum amount of staff time and other costs required to process an
application. In the event the deposit is not sufficient to reimburse the Town for the processing and review of its
application, the applicant shall provide additional deposits to the Town for development review services to complete the
processing of its application. The Town shall not perform any further review and processing services with respect to the
application until the applicant provides all necessary deposits. No interest shall accrue on amounts deposited. Any
unexpended funds will be returned to the applicant.
In addition, permission is hereby granted to the Town of Firestone staff to physically inspect the subject property and take
photographs as necessary for preparation of the case.
By this acknowledgement, the undersigned hereby certifies that the statements in this application, and all attachments to
and documents submitted with this application, are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Property Owner Signature:
Application Type Fee Deposit Application Type Fee Deposit
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Major (10+ Acres) $4,000 $2,500
Major Amendment $3,000 $1,500
Minor (<10 Acres) $2,000 $1,500
Minor Amendment $1,000 n/a
Initial Zoning $1,500+$10/acre n/a
$2,000+$40/lot $5,000
Rezoning $1,500+$10/acre $2,500
$2,000+$100/lot $10,000
PUD Rezoning $3,000+$10/acre $5,000
$2,000+$100/lot $1,500
Overlay Rezoning $2,000+$10/acre $2,500
Non-Residential Minor Plat $2,000+$100/lot $5,000
Minor Plat Amendment $500
Major Amendment $1,000 n/a
Oil & Gas $1,000/well $1,500
Non-Residential $2,500 $1,500*
Non-Residential $1,500 $1,500*
Metro Dist. Service Plan $10,000 n/a
All fees include both Town of Firestone Planning & Engineering
review. These fees do not include referral agency review fees,
outside consultant fees or review fees incurred by consultants acting
on behalf of staff. The initial development review fee anticipates
two full reviews and a final check. 10% of the initial fee may be
assessed per additional development review. For application types
without a specific deposit amount designated and anticipated
to include specialized reviews to be charged back to the applicant, a
deposit may be required in an amount determined by staff.
Page 2 Date: 10.29.2020
* may be waived at staff’s discretion
** fee provided at pre-application meeting
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