Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch
My Personal Transformation Journey
A Companion Journal for Tapping Into Wealth Transformation
Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch
My Journal
In this journal, document experiences and observations while working through
the processes in the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class Modules 1 through 6
and The Money Map Program Tapping Session 1 through 4. As Margaret leads you
through each process, you will be directed to capture and record in the
corresponding journal section, your mind-body-emotional-money state and situation,
your goals, your most important a-ha moments, lessons and takeaways from these
powerful processes.
Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Audio List
Module 1 - The Money Map Process 1:30 Minutes
Module 2 - Your Earliest Money Paradigm Process 1:30 Minutes
The Downsides of Wealth Process
Module 3 - Clearing Financial and Goal Traumas Processes 1:30 Minutes
Module 4 - Outrageous Goals Part 1 Process 1: 26 Minutes
Module 5 - Outrageous Goals Part 2 Process 1: 26 Minutes
The Vow to Be Invisible, The Vow of Perfection
Module 6 - Your Hidden Agenda Process 1: 30 Minutes
The Money Map Audio List
Tapping Session 1 - Fear-and-Anxiety-from-the Money Map 27 Minutes
Tapping Session 2 - Debt-and-Savings 30 Minutes
Tapping Session 3 - Feeling-Stuck-on-Goals-for-Income 31 Minutes
Tapping-Session 4 - Toxic-Money 35 Minutes
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MODULE 1 - The Money Map
In the Money Map Process, you will be guided to pay attention to three specific aspects
related to the five kinds of money (Savings, Debt, Income, Income Goal and Toxic
1. Emotions, feelings, sensations, e.g. anxiety, sadness, stress, and fear running
through your nervous system.
2. Thoughts running through your head, your “habitual self-talk” or what you say to
yourself about it as well as what do you tell yourself about yourself in connection
to it.
3. “Connected Trauma” - something traumatic that happened to you, an event, a
decision, a circumstance, an emotional trauma, or even a physical trauma,
something that, when you look at it and see the impact, you say:
“If that hadn't happened, my money wouldn't be this way. I
would be more confident, have higher self-worth, would trust
myself more, would be more successful and be able to shine my
brilliance and share my gifts with the world in a much bigger
Please remember, that what we want to get to are the negative emotions, sensations
and thoughts. We're looking for things that are blocking your confidence, your money,
success and wealth. If you're feeling optimistic and have positive emotions, write those
down. We want to honor them, too. And then, try to go one level deeper. Is there
something more underneath them? If you tune into your body and the part of you that is
not so optimistic, and instead has doubts and fears, and is even skeptical, what would
that part say about it? How does that part feel?
Start the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class 1 - The Money Map Audio
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The Money Map Process
My Detailed Confidential Money Map
How much do I have in savings? $ ______________
When I think about the kind of money called “Savings” . . .
These are the two strongest emotions/sensations/feelings I'm really feeling in
my body right now:
These are the predominant thoughts, beliefs that are running through my
When you look at your savings, how would you finish this sentence:
This means I'm ___________________________________________________
Is there a past event that pops into mind which has affected your savings account? It
can involve anxiety, sadness, great loss, loss of safety and security, abandonment (not
necessarily loss of money). It may be an event or situation where you say to yourself:
“If that hadn't happened, I would feel more safe, more secure in life and would have
ability to save more, would have more money in my savings account”. Write down any
event that pops into your mind, even if you're not sure that it's relevant. There might
even be multiple events.
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Key Strategies for greater honoring and deeper healing work on SAVINGS
If this kind of money triggers a lot of sadness, disappointment, loss or other intense
feelings, follow The Money Map Program Tapping Session 1 - Fear and Anxiety from
the Money Map (audio and transcript.) The tapping is designed to specifically address
your first Chakra wiring - the nervous system wiring around fear and lack of safety and
security. It will help you process some of these deep and intense feelings and move
you into a more resourceful state through self-love and compassion.
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How much do I have in debt? $ ______________
When I think about the kind of money called “debt” . . .
These are the two strongest emotions/sensations/feelings I'm really feeling in my
body right now:
These are the predominant thoughts, beliefs that are running through my head:
When you look at your debt, how would you finish this sentence:
This means I'm ___________________________________________________
Is there a past event that pops into mind which has affected your debt? A financial
trauma or trauma that pops into your mind that has really affected your debts? A
situation where you look back and say: “If that hadn't happened. Most common
traumas related to debts are situations which involve some kind of betrayal or
something that you have never forgiven yourself for. Maybe you have not forgiven
somebody else too, but ultimately, when you look back and see the impact the situation
or decision has had on your money you say: “I should have known better. I was an idiot.
I should have been smarter.” Note all the events, decisions, circumstances that pop into
your mind.
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Reflection Question: Are you using this debt as a reminder that you were wronged in the
past? Or are you using your debt as self-punishment? In what ways? How does this
manifest in your life?
Key Strategies for greater honoring and deeper healing work on DEBT
If this specific kind of money triggers emotions such as shame, self-recrimination,
disappointment, follow The Money Map Program: Tapping Session 1 - Fear and Anxiety
from the Money Map and Tapping Session 2 - Debt and Savings (audio and transcript).
These are designed to specifically address your first Chakra wiring - the nervous system
wiring around the lack of safety and security, and the harsh and hypercritical inner
voice. It will help you process some of these deep feelings and move you into a more
resourceful state through self-love and compassion.
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What is my total income? $ ______________
When I think about all the money I earn in income . . .
These are the two strongest emotions/sensations/feelings I'm really feeling in my
body right now:
These are the predominant thoughts, beliefs that are running through my head:
When you look at your income, how would you finish this sentence:
This means I'm _____________________________________________________
Is there a past event that pops into mind, a trauma, that involves earning? Possible
examples include being shamed for asking for money, for wanting to earn money, a
devastating incident around parents' income, loss of a job, a failed business, etc.
Describe any event that comes to mind.
Key Strategies for greater honoring and deeper healing work on INCOME:
If this specific kind of money triggers a lot of emotions and thoughts around low self-
worth and feelings of not having enough, follow The Money Map Program: Tapping
Session 3 - Feeling Stuck around Goals for Income (audio and transcript). These are
designed to specifically address the nervous system wiring around inner value and self-
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This is the big income goal I would love to earn: $ ____________________________
Rate how true the following statement is on scale 1-10: “It's impossible” __________
When I think about big income goals . . .
These are the two strongest emotions/sensations/feelings I'm really feeling in my
body right now:
These are the predominant thoughts, beliefs that are running through my head:
When you look at your big income goal, how would you finish this sentence:
This means I'm ______________________________________________________
Is there an event in your past, a trauma around setting a big goal and failing? Have you
ever put your heart and soul, all your energy, faith and ton of hard work into something
that you really wanted and then it didn't work out for some reason? Briefly describe the
event, the goal and what happened. Such events represent a Goal Trauma.
Key Strategies for greater honoring and deeper healing work on INCOME GOAL:
If this specific kind of money triggers a lot of emotions and thoughts around low self-
worth, inability to change your situation, how hard you have to work in order to achieve
your income and other goals, follow The Money Map Program: Tapping Session 3 -
Feeling Stuck around Goals for Income (audio and transcript). These are designed to
specifically address the nervous system wiring around the earliest money programming.
You will start to honor and let go off the family programming that no longer serves you
and claim your place in this world based on your desires, your wants.
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Are you either owed money or received money that came with battle? It can be an
emotional, mental or “physical” battle in a court over money, for which you pay/paid
heavy price on psychological, emotional level, physical?
Are you receiving money that comes at a price of you being stuck, disempowered, or
that keeps you in a victim mode? Are you being repeatedly rescued, financially
supported by a person/ people, whose money you need and at the same can't stand
If so, consider your relationship(s) to the person/people involved and how receiving this
money makes you feel?
When I think about this money and the battle and sense of disempowerment in it . . .
These are the two strongest emotions/sensations/feelings I'm really feeling in my
body right now:
These are the predominant thoughts, beliefs that are running through my head:
Consider your relationship(s) to the person/people involved and how receiving this
money makes you feel? Describe them.
Toxic money mirrors the toxicity of the relationships with the people involved. Begin
work specifically on all the relationship elements which make the relationship toxic:
power – disempowerment elements, power struggle etc. There is usually a big
Financial Trauma connected.
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Key Strategies for greater honoring and deeper healing work on TOXIC MONEY:
If this specific kind of money triggers a lot of emotions and thoughts, follow The Money
Map Program: Tapping Session 4 - Toxic Money (audio and transcript) where you'll start
healing some aspects of TOXIC MONEY. Experience a shift out of a battle, out of a
state of disempowerment into a calmer, more empowered state with strong boundaries.
From there you can advocate for yourself in a way that makes you feel strong, confident
and rational, and keep from getting sucked back into the battle.
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After you complete the process in Class 1 - The Money Map audio and before
proceeding to, doing more work and tapping, stop and take a breather.
The Money Map Process can be very emotional and mentally intense, and cause very
real physiological reactions (the mind-body-money connection) so you may start to feel
overwhelmed, anxious, afraid or just unsettled.
Now is good time to close your eyes and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your feet on
the ground, feel into your body. Observe what is happening, what you feel, what
thoughts are crossing your mind, what is going on within you.
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are (rate on 1-10 scale)
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is (rate on 1-10 scale)
If rate 5 or higher, go through the rounds of tapping with Margaret at the end of the
Money Map audio, once more. Give yourself the necessary time, self-care and
compassion to process your emotions and states before moving on.
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Take some space and write the three key a-ha moments, as well as three specific
actions that you commit to take, and share them with your colleagues in the TIWC
Facebook community.
List three key a-ha moments from the Money Map session:
List three specific actions or decisions that you commit to take in order to start healing
and improving your money situation, “I'm-willing-to-do-my-part” steps, (It can include
daily tapping, re-doing the module couple more times to go even deeper, allowing more
self -care and self-compassion in a very specific way, getting real about your financial
situation, etc.)
Action - Decision 1
Action - Decision 2
Action - Decision 3
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Fear and Anxiety from the Money Map
Objective: Experience feeling grounded, supported, being resourceful and powerful,
despite the heavy emotions and thoughts dredged up by the Money Map! This process
will shift you into a much resourceful and empowered state!
Have your completed Money Map on hand and write your entries below as Margaret
guides you through the session.
Start the audio - The Money Map Program - Tapping Session 1 Fear and Anxiety From
the Money Map
Look at your Money Map and just sit for a moment with all the uncomfortable feelings
and tune into your body at the nervous system level:
1. How unsafe does it feel to look at all of the kinds of money? Rate these statements
on scale of 1-10, how true they feel (10 - they feel absolutely true)
A. “It doesn't feel safe” ____________
B. “I don't' feel safe” ____________
C. “I've never really felt safe when it comes to money” ____________
2. After the first round of tapping and the visualization process, where you grounded
and held yourself, what did the scared, fearful part of you feel that it needed more
3. After the process, when you look again at your money map, how are you feeling
right now? Check in with your body and feel your energy. Despite the intense
emotions and thoughts, maybe even alarming money numbers in your Money Map,
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are you able to also feel grounded, supported, resourceful and powerful? On a scale
of 1-10, how true do these statements feel now (10 - they feel absolutely true)?
A. “It doesn't feel safe” - ____________
B. “I don't' feel safe” - ____________
C. “I've never really felt safe when it comes to money” - ____________
4. What are your most powerful a-ha moments from this process?
Repeat this process each time those intense emotions and thoughts from your Money
Map come up. Continue processing, grounding yourself and calming your nervous
system in order to get into a more resourceful state.
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Debt and Savings
Objective: Experience feeling love and compassion towards yourself despite the
mistakes, poor judgments, and bad decisions that might have come to light in your
Money Map! Get into an empowered and resourceful state through self-compassion,
forgiveness and self-love!
In the first tapping session, Fear and Anxiety from the Money Map, you experienced a
very powerful grounding process, which enabled you to feel empowered and
resourceful, despite the heavy and difficult emotions and thoughts triggered by the
Money Map process. It directly addressed your first Chakra wiring, the nervous system
wiring around fear and lack of safety and security.
In this second tapping session we start healing another part of you. The part that is
weeping, that holds all the sadness and the one that you might be blaming for poor
decisions and bad judgments around money.
You begin to experience getting into a resourceful state through self-love and
compassion and start a very deep transformational healing process.
Have your completed Money Map on hand and write your entries below as Margaret
guides you through the session.
Start the audio - The Money Map Program - Tapping Session 2 Debt and Savings
Look at your Money Map where you captured the most intense emotions, thoughts and
a-ha moments triggered by the Money Map process.Take a look at DEBT and
SAVINGS specifically.
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1. Tune into your body and notice how it feels when you look at the numbers in your
savings account and the amount of debt that you had written down. Write down your
most intense feelings and rate them on scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense)
2. When you connected to the weeping part of you, the one that is broken with
sadness, the part that you may be blaming for poor decisions or judgments with
money, what did the part of you feel, besides sadness? What would it say to you?
What does it need from you?
3. After you finish this session, look again at the numbers on your Money Map.
Though they might be upsetting and they haven't changed, right now just
observe the sadness, the hurt and loss. Connect to your highest compassion, love
and care and direct it towards the sad part of you. Know that healing those broken
and sad parts is the core and the springboard for so much more healing in this
program. Be in your body, in your heart, in this resourceful empowered state. Think
of 3 specific actions that you can take to honor, support, hear and heal this part of
you. (It can be anything from re-doing this module, doing a small act of kindness
towards yourself every day, sending love & compassion to this broken part of you
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
4. What are your most powerful a-ha moments from this process
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Feeling Stuck around Goals for Income
Objective: Experience feeling worthy and deserving of more, despite your family
programming that was revealed in your Money Map! Feel the possibilities expanding
around you, feel the freedom of letting go of the programming that does not serve you,
as you’re living right here, right now in a completely different world than your ancestors.
Accept your life purpose, which is to grow and expand, and in this way honor all the
power, all the life lessons, all the family history!
In the previous tapping session, Tapping Session 2 Debt and Savings, we took a closer
look at savings and debts and did a very powerful healing around the most intense
feelings and thoughts connected to these kinds of money. We dealt with a lot of
sadness and hurt.
In this Tapping Session 3 Feeling Stuck around Goals for Income, we focus on two
more kinds of money - INCOME and INCOME GOAL and the metaphor they represent,
which is your VALUE based on family origin.
We start to honor and let go of the family programming that no longer serves you and
claim your place in this world based on your desires, your wants so that you can be
yourself and fulfill your life's purpose.
Have your completed Money Map on hand and write your entries below as Margaret
guides you through the session.
Start the audio - The Money Map Program - Tapping Session 3 Feeling Stuck around
Goals for Income
Look at your Money Map where you captured the most intense emotions, thoughts and
a-ha moments triggered by the Money Map process. Take a look at the INCOME and
INCOME GOALS specifically.
1. Look at your income as a limit to what your value is and rate on a scale of 1-10,
how do these statements resonate with you:
“I am allowed to carry a lot of value and say how great I am” - ____________
“If I earn more, I won't be accepted by my family/tribe” -____________
“It's not safe for me to earn more money” - ____________
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“It's not possible for me to earn more” - ____________
“I'd rather fit in than earn more money” - ____________
“When I look at people who earn more and have higher social status, I can
totally imagine being one of them. I am them” - ____________
2. Tune into your body and notice how it feels when you look at your INCOME and
your INCOME GOAL number. Write down your most intense feelings and rate
them on scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense)
3. If you think about your family history, can you trace the same feelings and beliefs
to the past generation? Write down insights that come to you.
4. Write down the most important things that you want to manifest. Examples: jobs,
clients, money, relationships etc. Be as specific as you can be.
5. How can you honor your value now? How can you grow into the version of you
that is earning much more money and creating your own desired reality around
money, relationships, freedom and inner power? Write down 3 specific actions
that you commit to taking. (It can be things like openly declaring your value,
making a list of all your valuable skills, unique talents, what solutions do you
bring to people, how you can be of service, calculate the value in money that you
bring to people, start better managing your money etc. For the second question,
you might think of gaining new set of skills, additional training in a specific area
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that would teach you to implement what you already know, or provide you with a
framework etc.) Note is all down.
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
6. What are your most powerful a-ha moments from this process?
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Toxic Money
Objective: Start healing some aspects of TOXIC MONEY. Experience a shift out of a
battle, out of a state of disempowerment into a more, calm and empowered state with
strong boundaries. From there you can advocate for yourself in a way that feels strong,
confident and logical, and prevents you from getting sucked back into the battle.
In the previous Tapping Session 3 Feeling Stuck around Goals for Income, we
addressed income and income goals and family programming around our value and
personal power in the world.
In this last Tapping Session 4 Toxic Money deals with the category of money called
TOXIC MONEY and the core issues - toxic relationships and disempowerment.
To review the Toxic Money category, here is the definition:
1. When you are in a situation where you are owed certain amount of money and it
is being withheld from you through some kind of a battle or in some ways you are
being wronged. (e.g. battle over child support, settlements that are due, divorces,
battle over equitable shares in businesses, inheritance, lawsuits for injuries -
situations where the money is withheld and you need to prove you are entitled to
the money, you need the money etc.)
2. When you are in a relationship with someone, whether it's a partner or a parent,
and it's an unhealthy relationship, but you have to stay in it, because you need
the money that they are supplying to you. In order to get the money, you need to
be in the disempowered state. You have to give up some of your freedom/true
power/ who you are in order to receive financial support that you actually really
like and need from this person. It's also a case of financial assistance from
governments, which you can receive only when you are in some way
disempowered. In order to continue receiving it, you have to prove that your
situation has not improved, you still need the money.
In both cases, the undercurrent is, that you need to be in some way disempowered in
money, not have much money in order to have a case and battle, where you prove you
need it.
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As Toxic Money is a product of toxic relationships, in order to heal it, you need to start
working on the toxic relationships and look at your inner value, your neediness, power-
disempowerment struggles, the emotional and head-games that are played etc.
Have your completed Money Map on hand and write your entries below as Margaret
guides you through the session.
Take a look at your Money Map and review the relationships and battles you have
identified as toxic.
1. Rate this statements on scale 1-10 (10 being the most true):
a. “I have power in this situation” _____________
b. “I can step out of the battle and set a boundary” _____________
c. “I can create the life I want” _____________
Start the audio - The Money Map Program - Tapping Session 4 Toxic Money
2. After the rounds of tapping on the battle, unfairness, powerlessness and then
moving into a more empowered state with strong boundaries and letting go of the
battle and the heavy emotions around it:
1) What did you feel and see in the visualization, where you just held your
hands in front of you, setting a firm, solid boundary and saying the words:
STOP? What was it like to experience drawing a line?
2) Note what it is that you want to achieve, the outcome you want in the
3) After the 3rd round of Tapping, after affirming what you want, are you able
to recognize, that despite not having the ultimate control over other
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people, you CAN feel powerful and create whatever you want? Rate the
statement again. (10 being the most true)
a) “I have power in this situation” _____________
b) “I can step out of the battle and set a boundary” _____________
c) “I can create the life I want” _____________
4) Close your eyes and imagine now, that you can see the future and you
see your future-self having let go of the battle. Maybe the situation didn’t
go exactly the way you had hoped, maybe you even lost a lot of money.
But you can see this version of yourself, how strongly and powerfully it
advocated for your, how it refused to get sucked into the battle. Maybe
your future version hired an attorney and let him/her deal with it and it
detached from the outcome. See the life your future-self created, with
money, self-respect and happiness. Step into the picture and ask the
older, wiser, empowered version of you, what the best advice they can
give you would be, after having gone through it? What is their message?
When you finish talking to them, thank them and open your eyes.
Write the message from my future self:
3. What are your most powerful a-ha moments from this module?
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MODULE 2 - Earliest Money Paradigm Process and
Downsides of Wealth
In the Money Map Process, we uncovered the body-mind-money connection and many
intense emotions and thoughts around the five kinds of money. In this module, we will
see where it all came from! We will uncover the origin of your setpoint (where you are
right now). This setpoint is wired into your nervous system, on the unconscious level,
and determines how much - not only money - but also how much savings and even
debts you are allowed to have to feel comfortable, and how much you are allowed to
earn and how hard you need to work for your money.
This is a very powerful module, with two powerful transformational processes, which will
allow you to free yourself to start earning more money, eliminating debt and creating
1. The Earliest Money Paradigm
See and clear the deepest layer of how and why you limit and sabotage your
2. The Downside of Wealth
Uncover and clear the reasons you create debt and/or sabotage your savings.
Before starting set a very powerful intention for the work you're going to do in this
module. The intention of leaving no stone unturned, the willingness to dig deep, to look
and be curious. The willingness to look at certain pieces again and again and see if
there is something more, something else hidden in them. So, close your eyes, take a
deep breath and make a commitment to yourself to dig deep and be open to see, so
you can get results in your money! When you finish, open your eyes.
Start the audio - Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class 2 Your Earliest Money
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Margaret will instruct you to set the following three goals, write them below (you’ll need
this information a bit later for this module):
My income goal _____________________ /year
My savings goal _____________________ /year
Number of hours I would like to work ___________________ /week
The Earliest Money Paradigm Process
After the visualization part of this process, capture your insights about what was
happening in the picture.
1. What were the emotions, feelings, thoughts, opinions, quotes from your parents
or the lack of, and possible traumatic events?
2. What was going on within you and how you were feeling? How did the child look
to you? What was the child experiencing? If you’re not sure, guess what a child
in that situation would be feeling?
3. Now look at your Confidential Money Map and note any similarities between
emotions, feelings, sensations and the thoughts in each of the five categories of
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money and the feelings, emotions, sensations and thoughts that came up in your
parents paradigm. Make a list of the most intense and the most similar.
4. Look at the picture of your parents in the visualization and answer these
a. I feel sorry/compassion for ________________________ because they
b. I'm angry at _________________________ because they
5. What are the two primitive, unconscious survival-based mechanisms that
operate also in your money?
a. A vow to __________________________________________
b. A vow to __________________________________________
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Downsides of Wealth Process
After the visualization, note the following:
1. What happened in the picture?
2. How did your parents react?
3. What was the feeling there?
4. How did their reaction, their emotions, their words make you feel?
5. Do you still fit into the family?
6. What rule did you break, that you were never supposed to break? What are the
consequences of breaking the rule?
7. Note ways in which you limit yourself (e.g. avoid charging your worth, avoid
looking at your finances, avoid setting big goals etc.)
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8. Note the ways in which you sabotage yourself or attract sabotage (e.g. do you
make sure that you never go beyond the paradigm, what “always” happens when
you have or earn more money than expected etc.)
9. After the first tapping round on anger and rage, how angry are you still feeling?
On the scale 1-10, (10 being really angry), how strong is your anger or rage? If
it's stronger than 5 , please repeat the tapping round again. _____________
10. If the anger has subsided and now there's more sadness, grief and compassion,
ask yourself these questions and note your answers down:
a. What did you lose? _____________________________________________
b. what did your whole family lose? ___________________________________
c. What are you still losing? _________________________________________
11. Then proceed with the next round of tapping on the sadness, grief and
12. Describe your new paradigm, the way you want things to work for you in your
money, level of abundance, relationships, a new tribe - what is it that you want
to have more of in your life?
13. Describe your tribe of people based on your desires, your own evolution as an
individual. Also name your new mentors or teachers, inspirational people you
would like to surround yourself with or whose teachings you want to follow.
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Before we reflect on the most important a-ha moments and actions, stop and take a
The Earliest Money Paradigm Processes can be very emotionally and mentally intense,
with a real physiological reaction (the mind-body-emotional/money connection) and you
may still feel a lot of anger, rage, upset, outrage, sadness, loss etc.
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what is happening, what you feel, what
thoughts are crossing your mind, what is going on within you.
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are (rate on 1-10 scale)
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is (rate on 1-10 scale)
If you rate 5 or higher, go one more time through the rounds of tapping with Margaret,
depending which round do you need. If you feel anger, focus on the anger part of the
tapping script, before you move towards the compassion round of tapping. Do
personalize the script, incorporate your authentic feelings that you felt when doing the
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Take some space and write down the three key a-ha moments as well as three specific
actions that you commit to take and share them with your colleagues in the TIWC
Facebook community.
Please write down three key a-ha moments from the Earliest Money Paradigm session:
Write down three specific actions or decisions, your “I’m-willing-to-do-my-part” steps,
that would make you grow, evolve and become the person that earns that income that
you wrote down and has that much savings and works that many hours. What do you
need to do?
Action - Decision 1
Action - Decision 2
Action - Decision 3
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 30
KEY STRATEGIES for continued work the Earliest Money Paradigm.
1. Review your journal entries and tap!
This month, focus on the family paradigm. If something about your family
paradigm around money comes into your mind, take notes! New things might pop
into your head e.g. about your parents’ work, lives, their earning, quotes about
money, rich people, attitude, even political views connected to money!
Whatever you uncover, use it as your tapping script, just voice it, even if it's a
stream of consciousness, individual thoughts or feelings. By tapping you release
it from your nervous system, from your body and from your money picture!
2. Revisit THE MONEY MAP PROGRAM, particularly to Money Map Tapping
Session 3. It was designed to support your healing of the Family Paradigm
around INCOME and INCOME GOAL, where we started to honor and let go off
the family programming that no longer serves you and claim your place in this
world based on your desires and your wants. It contains a great guided
visualization that enables you to honor your family history and at the same time
to energetically “cut the cord” from the programming that isn't working for you. It'll
empower you and your new paradigm!
v.9.18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 31
Module 3 - Clearing Financial and Goal Trauma Processes
In this session, through two separate and very intense processes, you uncover and
clear two massive sources of negative energy, shame, self-recrimination, and self-
The Financial Trauma Process allows you to reclaim your self-belief, self-trust and
confidence and release a massive amount of energy and drive toward your new goals
that people around you will notice.
The Goal Trauma Process allows you to experience a big change you can feel on the
inside - freeing you from a heavy, dark cloud has been hanging over your money for a
long time and opening up your true, embodied passion and deeper desire for your
In this module, we go into actual traumatic events that drastically affect how you
manage and take action in your money. You can sometime tap into events that are
very traumatic and we encourage you to take personal responsibility for own well
being. If you feel the need to seek support in the form of a licensed therapist or an
appropriate mental health professional, then please do so.
The Financial Trauma Process
In the Money Map Process, we uncovered the body-mind-money connection and many
intense emotions and thoughts around the five kinds of money. Please review your
personalized Money Map, where you might have also noted a connected trauma, a
financial or goal trauma for each of the five kinds of money.
For a better understanding Financial Trauma, consider the definitions in the Tapping
Into Wealth Program context:
Trauma (in general) - a trauma is an event that, when it happened and was completed,
it left you less resourceful. Ever since that time, you trust yourself less, you trust the
world less, you trust your instincts less, you love yourself less. It leaves you weakened.
Financial and Goal Traumas act like a dark cloud over your head that forever and very
specifically affect the way you deal with something.
.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 32
A Financial Trauma will affect how you deal with your money. Specifically, when you
look at your savings account or the amount of debt, you can pinpoint an event, a
decision, something that happened where you say: “If that hadn't happened, I would be
so much further ahead. My savings ad debts would look completely different. I would be
so much better off.”
Start the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class 3 - Clearing Your Financial and
Goal Traumas audio.
During or after the process, please answer the following questions and take notes:
1. What title did you give to the movie that was playing in your head while doing the
2. When the movie progressed to the part, where the problem started, what were
you doing and what were the other people doing?
3. Complete these sentences:
I am angry at myself because ________________________________________
I am angry at (name a person/ people) _________________________________
4. Rate the intensity of these statements on scale 1-10,(10 being the most intense):
“I should have known better” _____________
“I should have done better” _____________
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 33
“It's unforgivable what they did” _____________
“Why should I let them off the hook?” _____________
“I lost so much” _____________
“I'm still paying the price/it's still costing me” _____________
5. What have you lost?
6. List the ways in which you are still paying the price for what happened?
7. How much has this cost you? Emotionally, mentally, physically and financially?
8. Incorporate your answers into the tapping script and if necessary, repeat the
tapping rounds multiple times. As in Question 4 and rate once more the intensity
of the statements. Please remember that the aim is to lower the charge in
emotions and sensations that those statements trigger. Then, proceed to the final
reinforcing round of tapping.
“I should have known better” _____________
“I should have done better” _____________
“It's unforgivable what they did” _____________
“Why should I let them off the hook?” _____________
“I lost so much” _____________
“I'm still paying the price/it's still costing me” _____________
9. Describe the reaction of the version of yourself that you saw in the movie, how
did you react when things started to go wrong? A reaction, a programming that
kicked in and now you know that it made things worse and prevented you from
successfully solving problems.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 34
10. After doing the final round of tapping for Financial Trauma process, write down
the most important lesson that you learned from the whole situation. What advice
would the wiser version of you today, give to your younger version?
11. Why is it so important that you let yourself or others off the hook and move
forward? Describe how is this healing work connected to your finances.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 35
Before we go into the Goal Trauma Process, we strongly recommend you to stop the
audio and take a “breather”.
The Financial Trauma Process can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a
very real physiological reaction (the mind-body-money connection) and you can still feel
a lot of anger, outrage, sadness or loss.
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what's is happening, what do you
feel,what thoughts are crossing your mind, what is going on inside you.
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are + rating 1-10
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is + rating 1-10
If you're at no 5 or higher, I invite you to go one more time through the rounds of tapping
with Margaret, focusing more on the rounds you need. If you feel anger at yourself,
focus on the inner critic part of the tapping script. If you feel anger at some people,
repeat the relevant tapping round. If you feel a lot of sadness and loss, move towards
the corresponding round of tapping. Do personalize the script, incorporate your
authentic feelings that you have felt when doing the processes. Repeat the whole
process multiple times, before you move into a Goal Trauma Process.
Please also see KEY Strategy section, where you can find additional suggestions how
you can further work and support your healing journey.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 36
The Goal Trauma Process
This process allows you to experience a big change you can feel on the inside - freeing
you from a heavy, dark cloud has been hanging over your money for a long time and
opening up your true, embodied passion and deeper desire for your dreams!
Although the Goal Trauma Process is very similar to the Financial Trauma Process, it
clears blocks on a completely different level.
Whereas Financial Trauma will keep you from solving your issues with mainly savings
and debts, a Goal Trauma will stop you from setting goals and dreams, and will prevent
you from putting your heart and soul in them. As a result, it sabotages your energy,
enthusiasm, your deep passion and desire for going after what you truly want.
A Goal Trauma is an event, where you really wanted something, you really put all your
heart into it, you really believed in it, maybe even ignored all naysayers and your own
inner sceptic. You worked extremely hard to achieve it, you sacrificed a lot, gave it your
all, put all on the line, but despite all your effort, energy and sacrifice, it didn't work out.
Things went terribly wrong. You ended up feeling disappointed, disillusioned, sad and/or
angry, you became highly self-critical and ever since that day, you trust yourself and
others less. It might show up in your life as hesitation, procrastination, indecisiveness,
taking half-hearted steps towards goals, never being fully “in anything”, not even setting
goals etc.
If you can identify such event in your life, no matter how small or big your goal was, no
matter how long ago it happened, I invite you to dive deep into the Goal Trauma
Process and really uncover the impact it has had on you. “Leave no stone unturned”
while doing the visualizations. Remember, these are very tough events that we rarely
speak about, they might feel embarrassing, but often hold a deep spiritual pain, as we
really believed. Maybe we were even told we were naive or crazy, but we suspended
disbelief and went for what we want 100%. The truth is it was devastating, it was
traumatic and it had an impact.
Sometimes, we have made those events seem trivial and unimportant in our own minds,
but nevertheless we're carrying with them a ton of negative, hidden, stuck energy of
suppressed sadness/anger/disappointment or loss. It's time to clear it and free up a
massive amount of energy around ideas, inspiration and possibilities!
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 37
After going through the process, answer these questions:
1. Briefly describe your Goal Trauma
2. What have you lost as a result of this event?
3. In the visualization, what automatic, autopilot behaviors did you go into?
4. What can you learn from it?
5. After the last visualization with the wiser version of you, what was the message it
delivered to your younger version?
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 38
6. Why can you actually trust yourself more?
7. Think of 3 specific ways you can immerse yourself into self-care and compassion
this month. Be caring to yourself, as this work is really intense.
The Goal Trauma Process can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a very
real physiological reaction (the mind-body-money connection) and you can still feel a lot
of anger, outrage, sadness or loss, so we really recommend you to stop and take a
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what's is happening, what do you
feel,what thoughts are crossing your mind, what is going on inside you.
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are + rating 1-10
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is + rating 1-10
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 39
If you're at no 5 or higher, I invite you to go one more time through the rounds of tapping
with Margaret. If you feel that you need to honor and voice and do more tapping on
what you lost and what it meant, all the sadness, please do so. Do personalize the
script, incorporate your authentic feelings that you have felt when doing the processes.
Repeat the whole process multiple times.
Take some space and write down the 3 key a-ha moments as well as 3 specific actions
that you commit to take and share them with your new tribe - the amazing facebook
Ignite Your Power Transformation Community!
Action - Decision 1
Action - Decision 2
Action - Decision 3
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 40
How to work on this specific issue this month:
1. Review My Detailed Confidential MONEY MAP from module 1 and see what
events you have identified as a “connected trauma” with each category of money.
Read the definitions of the Financial and Goal Trauma and apply the respective
processes to the events in your life. You might have more than one Financial or
Goal Trauma. It's essential that you look for the initial financial or goal trauma, to
the moment where it all started. You're looking for the “ever since that day”
moment, which was a turning point in your life. Sometimes you need to process
the subsequent financial or goal traumas, in order to get to the initial one. Or
maybe you can clearly see the one moment, one particular event that changed
everything. In any case, keep tapping and honoring and voicing all aspects of the
traumas until you recover your power, self-confidence and energy from the
2. Revisit THE MONEY MAP PROGRAM, particularly Money Map Module 2
Experience feeling love and compassion towards yourself despite the mistakes/
poor judgments/bad decisions that might have come to light during the Financial
and Goal Trauma Process.
The Money Map Module 2 was designed to get you into an empowered and
resourceful state through self-compassion, forgiveness and self-love!
8.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 41
Module 4 Outrageous Goal Part 1
In this fourth module from the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation you, first, uncover
and clear the first layer of limiting beliefs about earning more money so that you can
open to bigger ideas and take inspired action. Then, you uncover and clear the next
deeper level of what creates PROCRASTINATION, and usually stops you from doing
the very things that would create more money.
We go deeper into a kind of money that we touched upon in the Money Map - INCOME
GOALS. As with the other kinds of money, this category also triggers and brings to the
surface very specific resistance that we have towards achieving future and potential
level of earning and living. To achieve a specific result, we go after a very specific block.
We're clearing any resistance so that you keep moving forward quickly, in a more
focused and enthusiastic way! Let's get started!
Start the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class 4 - Outrageous Goal Process Part
1 Audio.
The Outrageous Goal Process Part 1
1. There are 6 areas around which people usually get triggered, when setting a goal.
a. Your immediate belief that nothing in your goal is remotely possible.
b. Your immediate identification of someone or something you believe is in your
c. Your immediate feelings and thoughts about a perceived shortcoming you
have that will sabotage or block you.
d. Your current lack of time or energy makes it difficult to imagine doing more.
e. Your financial debt situation.
f. Immediate arising of a question (from the analytical mind).
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 42
Before you begin the actual process, please note six key things that get triggered in
you when you set a goal. Be very specific. Identify each kind of resistance in
connection to your goal.
2. Set the following goals:
INCOME GOAL $ _______________________/a year
SAVINGS $ ________________________/a year
Rate the statement on a scale 1-10, (10 being very true)
“It's impossible” _____________
Double the above INCOME GOAL $ ________________________/a year
Rate these statements on a scale 1-10, (10 being very true)
“It's impossible” _____________
“It'll probably be really hard” _____________
“I can do it” _____________
“I really want it” _____________
“I don't know how to get there” _____________
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 43
3. After the first round of tapping, measure statement 1 again. What's your score now?
Keep tapping until you lower the score.
“It's impossible” _____________
4. What version of you does your Outrageous Goal number represent? How do you
see yourself in terms of the level of power you'll be standing in, in terms of your
presence, the value you bring into the marketplace?
5. After the powerful visualization of you standing on stage, what did it trigger in you?
Describe your reaction, emotions and thoughts. Describe the reaction of the
6. Before the tapping round, Measure the statement on scale 1-10, (10 being the very
“I'm not sure I really deserve it” _____________
After the tapping round on page13 of the Module 6 transcript around
deservingness, measure the statement again. Keep tapping, voicing and
honoring until you bring the number down.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 44
7. See the impact your uplevelling, your increased personal power, increased
deserving setpoint will have on other people. Who would also benefit from it, beside
you and your loved ones, and in what ways? Describe the ripple effect that you are
causing in the world.
8. Set up your celebration ritual! How are you going to celebrate each step on the way?
(It can be playing your favorite song and jumping around, or just telling yourself: “I
rock! I did it! I'm awesome!”. Think of ways how you can celebrate your progress!
Before we go into the reflection moment and key strategies for this month, we really
recommend you to stop and take a “breather”.
The Outrageous Goal Process can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a
very real physiological reaction (the mind-body-money connection) and you can still feel
some battle emotions, embarrassment, doubts, resistance or you can still hear your
inner sceptic.
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what's is happening, what do you
feel,what thoughts are crossing your mind, what is going on inside you.
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 45
My most intense emotions, sensations are + rating 1-10
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is + rating 1-10
Keep tapping on the emotions and thoughts until you lower the scores.
Take some space and write down the 3 key a-ha moments as well as 3 specific actions
that you commit to take and share them with your new tribe in the Facebook community.
Please write down 3 KEY a-ha moments from the Outrageous Goal process:
Write down 3 specific actions or decisions, your “I'm-willing-to-do-my-part” steps, that
would reflect your empowered, more enthusiastic and brilliant version of you, the
version of you that feels deserving, successful and has much bigger impact on the
people and the world around you.
Action - Decision 1
Action - Decision 2
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 46
Action - Decision 3
How to work on this specific issue this month:
1. Use your celebration ritual daily. By now you understand the power of
celebrating every step towards your goal. Make a promise to yourself that you
gonna celebrate progress, no matter how small a step it may be and how silly or
crazy it may sound.
2. Visualize the version of you that is earning the kind of money that you set as your
Outrageous Goal. How differently are you showing up? How are you dealing
with money? What kind of value are you providing to the marketplace? What
impact are you making? Who do you need to become, in what area do you need
to grow in order to earn and manage the kind of money and in order to make that
kind of impact? Visualize it daily and connect to the energy! See yourself
standing fully in your power.
3. Revisit THE MONEY MAP PROGRAM, particularly to Money Map Module 3. It
was designed to support your healing of the Family Paradigm around INCOME
and INCOME GOAL, where we started to honor and let go off the family
programming that no longer serves you and claim your place in this world based
on your desires and your wants. It contains a great guided visualization that
enables you to honor your family history and at the same time to energetically
“cut the cord” from the programming that isn't working for you. It'll empower you,
your new paradigm, your new outrageous goal!
4. Return to MODULE 3 - GOAL TRAUMA. In the event that you feel a lot of “it's
impossible/I can't do it” even after all the work and have trouble to really connect
to your outrageous goal, you might want to go back to module 3 and do some
more digging around a goal trauma. What evidence do you still carry that tells
you that it's impossible and makes you doubt yourself? Dive into the “it's
impossible” feeling and see what else is there. Listen to your inner sceptic, it'll tell
you “why”, it'll provide you with a “proof” from your past and show you where
some more work needs to be done.
v.9.18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 47
In this module, we build on the work last month around the Outrageous Goal. As
achieving such a goal means stepping up, uplevelling and becoming a more powerful
and confident version of ourselves, we actually need to energetically step out of old
paradigms and old ways of operating. Doing so will trigger resistance that shows up in
the form of two powerful vows, which must be cleared: THE VOW TO BE INVISIBLE
and THE VOW TO BE PERFECT. These vows are almost always in play and are the
two biggest obstacles that stop and hold us in a limited space and which come into
focus and are activated when we try to step out of our paradigms.
Doing the inner work in this module will allow you to shine the light of your own brilliance
and amazingness more brightly, as you step on the pathway to truly earning MORE!
You will open up to more confidence, excitement and willingness to be SEEN so you
can market yourself boldly.
The process of clearing the Vow to Be Perfect that leads to “always striving, never
arriving” will free you to truly be yourself: more open, more real, able to feel more in
your life and be felt more by others, which creates dramatic shifts in your relationships
with family and at work. Let's start!
What is a vow and how does it impact a goal?
Vows often develop in childhood. They can be a reaction to a life trauma, or a perceived
life trauma, or any time that a child does not get the love and safety they need to
express who they truly are and what their needs truly are. When it is not safe, or just
impossible to express who you are in a way that will be seen, heard, loved, a vow is
created. A vow is always going to be around not being or expressing the true self.
Instead, a vow will be to be or do something else to survive. In this way a vow will
create automatic behaviors that will block the natural flow of energy and also our true
life purpose, because every vow, at its core, is a vow NOT TO BE THE SELF.
We do not replace a negative vow with a positive vow, we replace it with a goal, and
openness to allow our true self to come through and with clearing all the stuck energy.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 48
The Vow to be Invisible
This specifically blocks you from taking bigger or bolder action towards your goal. It
causes you a lot of conflict around charging your value, honoring the value of you and
your time. It causes a real difficulty setting healthy boundaries, how much you give
versus how much you receive.
By trying to step out of your paradigm around your value and visibility, you're actually
breaking a rule that you vowed never to break and it'll result in a response of your
nervous system, which will blast with the feelings of anxiety, fear, panic and shame. The
vow will use your nervous system to literally shut you down, as stepping up, claiming
your value, setting healthy boundaries and becoming visible is perceived by your
nervous system as dangerous and “life-threatening”.
The Vow to be Perfect
This has a different energy, but can be related to the vow to be invisible. The vow to be
perfect shows up as a never-ending striving and never feeling that you arrived! Despite
reaching the desired goal, you'll never feel what you expected to feel. So you just go
back into the striving again. It's a vow to to be perfectly critical of yourself, no matter
what you achieved. It shows up as a habit of looking at the past events and everything
you have ever done and saying to yourself: “I could have done it better/ I should have
known better/I should have known how to do it already”. It sounds innocuous and true
and you feel justified in saying in. (Because it is generally true, given the infinite
possibilities of the universe, there is always another level, things can be always
improved.) However, when applied ruthlessly to specific past events, it also means, that
you will never ever arrive at deserving. At least not yet. You'll arrive there only when you
get it right at your super-high standards So energetically, you actually say “I don't
deserve to receive yet”. In real life, you might struggle with getting the level of
credibility/position/validation and desired financial reward. You also might attract people
and situations where you have to keep proving yourself for very little reward.
Start the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class 5 - Outrageous Goal Process Part 2
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 49
The Vow to Be Invisible Process
1. After the guided visualization, where you were standing on that stage, in front of
those people and declaring your value like that, what happened in that picture?
Describe the scene. Describe the reaction of the audience, how were they looking at
you? Describe how you felt.
2. What thoughts did the process trigger in you? What was the audience thinking of
3. What rule did you break?
4. Measure this statement, on a scale of 1-10, (10 being very true):
“I am awesome at what I do and I deserve to get paid well for it!” ______________
5. After the first tapping round, how did the picture look? Did it get better or worse?
What stood out for you?
6. Do the second tapping round and the golden light meditation. Describe what shifted
in you. How do you feel now? Measure again the statement in 4. above. Repeat the
tapping rounds, if necessary. Remember, you want to lower the intensity of negative
emotions and thoughts as much as possible.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 50
Before starting the next process, the Vow to be Perfect, we recommend you to stop and
take a “breather”.
The Vow of Invisibility Process can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a
very real physiological reaction and you can still feel some anxiety, fear, panic,
embarrassment or shame.
The Vow of Invisibility Process can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a
very real physiological reaction and you can still feel some anxiety, fear, panic,
embarrassment or shame.
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what's is happening, what you feel,
what thoughts are crossing your mind, what is going on inside you.
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are + rating 1-10
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is + rating 1-10
If you still feel some of the emotions and feelings strongly, at the level of 5 or above,
keep tapping, voicing and honoring all that is coming up for you. You might also need
to repeat the whole process multiple times throughout this month. For more steps that
you could take to support you, see the Key Strategies section of this month.
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 51
A Vow to Be Perfect Process
1. Note what came up for you in the visualization process. What event/s from your
past came up for you?
2. After the first round of tapping, were you able to feel compassion for yourself? Is
there a sadness? Describe your feelings. (In case you aren't able to feel
compassion and sadness for yourself, please repeat the first tapping round and
voice the ruthless inner sceptic until it breaks).
3. Do the final tapping round and describe the inner shift you're feeling. From the
place of a expanded consciousness, see how the vow to be always critical to
yourself has been affecting you.
Before proceeding to the reflection section, stop and take a “breather”.
The Vow to Be Perfect can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a very real
physiological reaction and you can still feel some self-judgment, self-criticism, sadness
and disappointment etc.
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what is happening, what you feel, what
thoughts come to mind, and what is going on within you.
.18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 52
Write down the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on
the scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are + rating 1-10
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is + rating 1-10
If you still feel some of the emotions and feelings strongly, at the level of 5 or above,
keep tapping, voicing and honoring all that is coming up for you. You might also need
to repeat the whole process multiple times throughout this month. For more steps that
you could take to support you, see the Key Strategies section of this month.
Take some space and write down the 3 key a-ha moments as well as 3 specific actions
that you commit to take and share them with your new tribe - the amazing Facebook
Ignite Your Power Transformation Community!
Please write down 3 KEY a-ha moments from the Vow to be Invisible & The Vow to be
Perfect Processes:
Write down 3 specific actions or decisions, your “I'm-willing-to-do-my-part” steps, that
would reflect your newly gained self-compassion, increased inner value and
18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 53
willingness to be seen! (E.g. you might want to start charging more money, set firmer
boundaries with clients or people, respect your time more, promote yourself in a bigger
and bolder way, give yourself more credit than ever before, celebrate your successes
Action - Decision 1
Action - Decision 2
Action - Decision 3
How to work on these two vows this month:
which you did at the end of the Vow to be Invisible Process. It's designed to
continue to support that growing sense of enthusiasm, and a new rewiring from
the old place of fear into the new place of being enthusiastically you.
2. Read chapters 13 and 14 in the Tapping Into Wealth Book that address Breaking
The Cycle of Always Striving and Never Arriving, where you'll also get a link to a
video that will further support your inner work around the two vows. You can
check out the book here:
3. Give yourself more compassion and encouragement and honor all the steps you
have taken and are taking! Start really celebrating your successes and individual
4. Start to journal - hear your inner talk, your inner critic and note down what you're
hearing. You might remember some past events, where you're still highly critical
of yourself and where you still haven't forgiven yourself for “not doing something
good enough, not knowing better, not doing it better or being smarter”.
5. Revisit THE MONEY MAP PROGRAM, particularly Money Map Module 2
Experience feeling love and compassion towards yourself despite the mistakes/
poor judgments/bad decisions that might have come to light and where you feel
that you “could have/should have done it better”.
The Money Map Module 2 was designed to get you into an empowered and
resourceful state through self-compassion, forgiveness and self-love!
v.9.18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 54
Module 6 - Your Hidden Agenda Process
Your Hidden Agenda is the sixth and last module of the Tapping Into Wealth
Transformation Program. In this module, we begin to clear your energy and
consciousness in order to earn and create money in alignment with the highest joyful,
win-win vibration.
It's an eye-opening process that will reveal the biggest conflicts and “hidden agendas”
in your inner value, worth and unconscious motivation to achieve as
well as self-sabotage, so you can align your actions and goals with your true, heart-
based intention.
What is a Hidden Agenda?
It's the personal, emotional and psychological needs that you have unconsciously
attached to a goal, e.g. to your Outrageous Goal around making more money. The
needs are around “what you'll finally get to feel”, “who you'll finally be” and “what you'll
finally get to prove” when you reach your goal.
The hidden agenda can be made up of many things you have connected to and
projected onto the goal, it's your underlying reasons for reaching the goals you set.
Such hidden agenda puts an additional level of pressure on you and adds meaning that
shouldn't be part of your goal for making more money. The added meaning usually
comes from a life-long inner battle with yourself, your parents, the naysayers, or God. If
left in place, this agenda will distract, delay and derail the energy, focus and action that
should be directed at your goal. It'll make you overreact as soon as something starts to
go wrong, which can lead to devastating lows. It becomes more personal, as you might
feel that “all your life is at stake”- your confidence, safety, validation, happiness etc. It'll
prevent you from seeing the reality, focusing on efficient problem solving, accessing
your brilliance, creativity and resourcefulness.
Start the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Class 6 – Hidden Agenda Process Part 2
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The Hidden Agenda Process
Note your Outrageous Income Goal – income that is three to four times bigger than your
current income. Imagine yourself earning at that level in the future and complete the
three statements below:
My Outrageous Income Goal $__________________________
“When I'm earning that much money, I will finally feel
“When I'm earning that much money, I'll finally know that I am
When I earn that much money, I'll finally have proven (what) to (whom?)
1. Is the cycle of trying - proving - battling, that Margaret describes, familiar to you?
What has been your life-long battle?
2. What situations/people/circumstances do you end up attracting? In what ways do
they reflect your inner critic?
3. Summarize your hidden agenda into one sentence:
“I really need this money because then I'll finally be _________________________,
I will finally prove__________________________________________, and I will
finally feel ____________________________________________________ .”
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4. Margaret's Challenge: Look at the needs you have and take someone in your life
whom you trust and who loves you and tell them what you need. Note how you feel
after this beautiful intimate and empowering process.
5. After the two taping rounds, when you look at what Margaret calls the Shadow
Saboteur, the part of you that you have been voicing in those two tapping rounds,
the voice within that says: “I'm not good enough”, how old would you say that voice
is? How long has it been around? Do the tapping with Margaret and honor the voice
of that inner child.
6. After the final, reinforcing round of tapping, think of what your Outrageous Goal may
represent? Imagine yourself giving and receiving at a much higher level. Who are
you becoming?
7. Note the 5 KEYS for reaching goals that Margaret mentions:
8. Honor both your light and your dark sides! Describe both aspects, how you show up
and who you are. (e.g. I'm sometimes terrified and I'm also very courageous). This
can be a great tapping script!
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The Hidden Agenda process is a very advanced inner work, so you are strongly
encouraged to stop and take a “breather”.
Your Hidden Agenda Process can be very emotionally and mentally intense, with a very
real physiological reaction (the mind-body-money connection) and you can still feel
some aspects of the hidden agenda, issues around worthiness and deserving.
At this time, it is helpful to close your eyes, and take couple of deep breaths. Feel your
feet on the ground, feel into your body. Observe what is happening, what you feel, what
thoughts come to mind, and what is going on inside you.
Write the most intense emotions, body sensations and thoughts, and rate them on the
scale 1-10 (10 being the most intense).
My most intense emotions, sensations are + rating 1-10
My most intense thoughts, inner dialogue is + rating 1-10
If you still feel some of the emotions and feelings strongly, at the level of 5 or above,
keep tapping, voicing and honoring all that is coming up for you. You might also need
to repeat the whole process multiple times throughout this month. For more steps that
you could take to support you, see the Key Strategies section of this month.
Take some space and write down the 3 key a-ha moments as well as 3 specific actions
that you commit to take and share them with your new tribe - the amazing facebook
Ignite Your Power Transformation Community!
.18.1 Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 58
Please write down 3 KEY a-ha moments from the Hidden Agenda Process:
Write 3 specific actions or decisions, your “I'm-willing-to-do-my-part” steps, that would
reflect your newly gained awareness around uncovering your hidden agenda,
increased worthiness and deserving setpoint. What actions are you committed to take?
Action - Decision 1
Action - Decision 2
Action - Decision 3
How to work on your Hidden Agenda this month:
1. When you encounter an obstacle on the way towards a goal, approach it as
honestly as possible and on multiple levels. Ask yourself these mind-shifting
coaching questions:
First Level: “How Am I feeling and what's my honest reaction to what is
happening?” Voice all your emotions and thoughts and use tapping to shift
Second Level: Once you bring down the emotional reaction: “What are the
smart, strategic, marketing lessons that I can learn here? Where is it that
Copyright © 2018 Margaret M. Lynch 59
I'm getting feedback? Where can I grow, where can I tweak, what do I
need to do better?”
Third Level: “What are my hidden needs that I'm playing out in this cycle?
What am I attracting? What am I in cycle against? What am I trying to
disprove? What am I trying to prove?”
These are great clarifying questions, which enable you to see your pattern and
identify your needs that you're trying to have met. Knowing your needs means,
you can consciously find different ways to have them met, ways that would
support you and not sabotage you.
2. Read the chapters 12 & 13 in the Tapping Into Wealth Book on “I Don't Deserve
More Money” and “Breaking the Cycle of Always Striving and Never Arriving” to
deepen your understanding of the worthiness and deserving concepts.
3. Apply Margaret's 5 KEYS to reaching goals strategies. In the Hidden Agenda
Process, Margaret mentioned the 5 KEYS to reaching goals. Use those powerful
Congratulations! You have completed the final module of the Tapping Into Wealth
Transformation Program! We congratulate you on the tremendous inner work that you
accomplished in your transformation, on your persistence, and the determination and
courage that you have demonstrated on this worthwhile journey!
Revisit and review your notes, your a-ha moments, all the growth and the deepening
level of insight and clarity you have gained and take a moment to let it all sink in. What
a journey! Take it in, allow yourself to feel proud, feel the sense of accomplishment and
celebrate your progress! Yes, there is still a journey ahead of you, and that's ok. For
now, look how far you have come! Allow your memory to go back to where you started,
remember your Money Map, all those modules, the tapping sessions Just feel into
your journey and celebrate yourself for sticking with it! Despite the uncomfortable,
maybe even painful moments, perhaps against all odds, or in spite of obstacles,
challenges, all that has been going on in your life, you were able to commit to the
You deserve to celebrate and be celebrated! Post your celebration in the group! Let
them know what has been the most unforgettable lessons and moments on your
transformational journey throughout the Tapping Into Wealth Transformation Program.