This deed is provided as a draft
to be considered by you and
your professional adviser. We can
accept no responsibility for the tax
or any other consequences arising
out of you executing this deed, or
for ensuring that the deed meets
with your requirements.
This form should be completed if
you are the owner(s) of a RL360
plan and want the benefits to go to
one or more adults and/or children
as beneficiaries in the event of
your death.
This form invalidates all previous
beneficiary designations therefore
it is important that it includes all
details of all the persons whom you
wish to benefit.
You cannot use this form if you
wish to create a gift for UK
Inheritance Tax purposes.
If you cannot enter the details
asked for in the space available,
please make a note on the form
and attach a page containing
those details.
This trust comes into eect upon
the death of the Relevant Person.
The plan benefits are then payable
to the trustees for the benefit of the
beneficiaries in accordance with
the provisions in Part C of this form.
At such time as this trust comes
into eect it may be necessary for
RL360 to obtain the appropriate
identification documentation in
respect of the trustees and any
beneficiary to whom benefits are to
be paid.
The plan owner(s) and the trustees
must sign this form at Part D.
Under Tax Regulations and
intergovernmental agreements
entered into by the Isle of Man in
relation to the automatic exchange
of information for tax matters
(collectively “AEOI”), RL360 is
required to collect information
about each Settlor, Trustee and
Named Beneficiaries of trusts.
(Where any of the Named
Beneficiaries are minors, this will
be required once they reach 18
years old.)
RL360 will provide the information
directly to the Isle of Man Income
Tax Division (IOMITD) who may
then provide the same information
to the relevant jurisdiction. RL360
does not send any information
direct to other jurisdictions.
Specified US Person means a US
citizen or tax resident individual
who has a US residential/
correspondence address or who
either holds a US Passport, a US
Green Card or who was born in the
US and has not yet renounced their
US citizenship.
More information on US FATCA
can be found at:
If you choose Yes to being a
Specified US Person, you will need
to provide us with your US Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN) or US
Social Security Number (SSN).
If you choose No but you have a
US residential/correspondence
address, hold a US Passport, a US
Green Card or you were born in
the US, you will need to provide us
with documentary evidence that
you are in the process of or have
renounced your US Citizenship.
RL360 can accept a certified copy
of your DS-4083 form (also known
as CLN – Certificate of Loss of
Nationality) and/or a certified copy
of your passport in which you are
obtaining new citizenship.
Some countries have laws
governing the distribution of a
person’s estate on their death.
Although the beneficiary trust
technically removes the benefits
of the plan from your estate, this
could be challenged. The legal
basis for such a challenge would
be that the rights of heirs may be
placed above individual rights to
pass on assets on trust to other
parties. Authorities responsible for
judgements in such cases may use
discretion and uphold your wishes
(as expressed by using this form).
However, to avoid any doubt, you
should seek advice in choosing an
appropriate course of action.
Completing a subsequent form
can change those named as
beneficiaries in this form.
The plan owner, or where there
are joint plan owners, the last
surviving plan owner. Where there
are joint plan owners, the terms of
this document will have no eect
unless both owners are deceased.