2830 Napoleon Road, Fremont, Ohio 43420-9670 • 419-334-8400 or 866-288-3772 • www.terra.edu
Emergency Financial Aid Grant
The recently passed CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) provides Terra State
Community College with funding to award to students as emergency grant aid for expenses related to the
disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Students can select one of the following categories for
requesting emergency funds:
Emergency grants can be used for any of the following expenses and services:
(books & supplies)*
Displaced Housing Allowance
(applicable to former Landings students)
*Based on Average Cost of Attendance (COA)
Please use the attached form to request emergency financial aid grant funding for any of the above
allowable expenses / services you have incurred (or will occur) as a result of the on-going
Coronavirus/COVID-19 emergency. You may submit multiple requests during the duration of the
emergency, but funding is limited. You are encouraged to include as many of the allowable expenses
which apply in your initial request, as well as the most detailed documentation available to you.
To qualify to request emergency financial aid grant funding, you must have been enrolled at Terra
State Community College (credit or non-credit) for spring semester 2020 and eligible for participation
in Section 484 of the Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (possess U.S. citizenship or be an
eligible noncitizen; have a valid Social Security number; be registered with Selective Service [if the
student is male]; and possess a high school diploma / GED / completion of high school in an approved
homeschool setting). Funds will be distributed according to a variety of factors including determined
need and consideration of special circumstances.
You will be asked to describe the expense incurred (or that will be incurred), the specific amount
of the expense, and provide supporting documentation. If documentation is not provided with the
initial request, or documentation does not clearly indicate authorized expenses related to the disruption
of campus operations due to coronavirus as set forth in Section 18004(c) of the CARES Act, we will
follow up for further details prior to final review for funding. Please direct your questions or concerns
to Todd Long, Associate Dean of Students (419.559.2360 or tlong08@terra.edu).