A major component of our teacher education program is its emphasis on the recognition and
development of the personal and professional dispositions that reflect a commitment to excellence in
teaching. We have identified those dispositions that we believe are important, can be recognized in
classes and field placements, and will be assessed throughout the education program. We believe that
all teachers should demonstrate:
- responsibility - respect - passion for teaching - maturity - confidence - personal integrity - fairness
All teachers are in a position to be among the most influential adults in the lives of many individuals--
students and colleagues. Prospective teachers see themselves as professionals starting with their first
course in education. Professional dispositions are increasingly evident during the time an individual is
preparing to enter the classroom.
A number of professional behaviors suggest that an individual will perform well in the school setting and
will emerge as a teacher leader. These include, but are not limited to:
consistent class attendance
active class and field experience participation
maintenance of professional confidentiality
promptness in completion of all assignments
engagement in a variety of related field experiences
demonstration of sensitivity to diversity and exceptionality
demonstration of knowledge of education-related issues and research
demonstration of knowledge of community, state, national and international events and their impact
on the field of education
building collegiality and contributing to group tasks
involvement in professional organizations or activities
adherence to state, local and national laws and school regulations
appreciation for a range of world views
demonstration of knowledge and enthusiasm in working with a range of diverse learners
The Education Department has instituted an ongoing, formal assessment process by which field
experience mentor teachers and Hope faculty provide feedback to individuals in these areas of
knowledge, skills, and behaviors.
The purpose of the Statement of Commitment to Professionalism is to identify the professional
dispositions and behaviors for which you will be held accountable. As part of the application process to
the Teacher Education Program, you will read and sign the following statement
“I have read the Statement of Commitment to Professionalism developed and adopted by the Education
Department of Hope College. I understand that these dispositions will be used to evaluate my
performance in course work and in related field experiences. I further understand that I am expected to
demonstrate these dispositions to be accepted in the Teacher Education Program (Level 1), to be
permitted to continue in education courses (Level 2), to be approved to Student Teach (Level 3), and to
be recommended for certification.”
Print Your Full Name Student I.D. #
Signature Date
Entry-Level Standards for Michigan Teachers. Lansing, MI: Michigan State Board of Education, July 1998.
Professional Standards for Michigan Teachers, Lansing, MI: Michigan State Board of Education, May, 2008.
INTASC Core Principles
NCATE 2003/2006 Standards
© Hope College 1994, 2017-18
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