Information to be provided on the Tentative Map:
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_____ 14).
Indicate the map number, title of map and legal description of property, not
including tract/parcel name.
Show the name and address of owner and land divider, and the name of the
person preparing the map.
Provide ownership information on additional property owned adjacent or
contiguous to the land to be subdivided.
Indicate approximate acreage, overall dimensions, north arrow, scale, date,
and (APN) Assessor Parcel Number.
Show subdivision boundary line and vicinity map showing relationship to the
surrounding community.
Provide names, locations, rights-of-way, widths and improvements of adjacent
streets, alleys, railroads and existing structures, both above and below ground.
Provide names, locations, widths of rights-of-way for proposed streets, alleys
and easements, and the approximate grade of proposed and existing streets
and approximate street centerline radii of curves.
Specify streets, alleys and rights-of-way providing legal access to the property,
as well as cross-sections of proposed and existing roadways.
If private streets are proposed, they shall be noted on the tentative tract/
parcel map.
Provide contact information of all utility purveyors and any locations of
existing public utility easements.
Indicate watercourses, channels, existing culverts and drain pipes, including
existing and proposed facilities for control of stormwaters
Indicate land subject to overflow, inundations or flood hazards.
Identify land or right-of-way to be dedicated to public use and rights-of-way
for railroads and other uses.
Illustrate common areas and open spaces.