Application for Salvage or Non-Repairable Certificate
RV- F1311801 (Rev. 8-20)
PURPOSE: A "Salvage Vehicle” is a passenger motor vehicle which has been wrecked, destroyed, or damaged to the
extent that the repair costs would exceed 75% of the retail value of the vehicle. A “Non-repairable vehicle” is a
passenger motor vehicle which is incapable of safe operation for use on roads or highways and which has no resale
value, except as a source for parts or scrap (Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-3-201). After the vehicle has been deemed a total loss
and a total loss claim has been paid, the insurance company or owner must obtain a Salvage or Non-Repairable Certificate by
submitting this application. These certificates of title serve only to establish ownership of the vehicle. No vehicle deemed
as Salvage or Non-repairable can be registered in or operate on the roads and highways of the state of Tennessee. A
vehicle that receives a Salvage Certificate may be rebuilt to be road worthy, but must first go through the
Rebuilt Vehicle process. There is no cost to obtain a Salvage/Non-Repairable Certificate.
INSTRUCTIONS: Mail the completed application and following supporting documentation to the TN Dept. of
Revenue, Vehicle Services Division, 500 Deaderick Street, Nashville, TN 37242:
Current title, properly assigned or proof of ownership documents
Power of Attorney (only required if someone other than the vehicle owner is submitting the application)
Odometer Disclosure Statement (only required for vehicles with a manufacture year of 10 years or less)
QUESTIONS: Call 615-741-3101 or submit an online ticket via "Revenue Help" at www.tn.gov/revenue
Applicatio Tennessee Salvage Certificate -repairable Certificate
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________________________
Physical Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different): __________________________________________________________________________________________
Vehicle Year:____________________ Vehicle Make:____________________________ Vehicle Model:______________________________
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):
C. INSURANCE INFORMATION (this section only required if application is being made by an insurance company)
Lot #: ______________________________________________________ Policy #: ____________________________________________________
I, the undersigned applicant, hereby certify statements made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Fraudulent statements made in this application could result in denial of this request and subject the signatory to criminal and civil penalties.
Signature of Owner/Representative/Power of Attorney Date
Current Odometer Reading: __________________________ Previous Title #/State: __________________________/_________
Vehicle Condition: Total Loss Flood Damaged
Purchase date: _________________________
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