Revised effective 9/1/2018 by 9/14/2018 Notice to the Bar, CN 10822 (Appendix XI-B) Page 1 of 2
: This is a public document, which means the document as submitted will be available to the public upon request.
Therefore, do not enter personal identifiers on it, such as Social Security number, driver’s license number, vehicle plate
insurance policy number, active financial account number, or active credit card number.
Plaintiff or Filing Attorney Information:
Superior Court of New Jersey
Law Division, Special Civil Part
(to be provided by the court)
Civil Action
NOTICE TO TENANT: The purpose of the attached complaint is to permanently remove you and your
belongings from the premises. If you want the court to hear your side of the case you must appear in court
on this date and time: at
a.m. p.m., or the court may rule against you.
If you cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, free legal advice may be available by contacting Legal Services at
. If you can afford to pay a lawyer but do not know one, you may call the Lawyer Referral
Services of your local county Bar Association at .
You may be eligible for housing assistance. To determine your eligibility, you must immediately contact the
welfare agency in your county at , telephone number .
If you need an interpreter or an accommodation for a disability, you must notify the court immediately.
Si ud. no tiene dinero para pagar a un abogado, es posible que pueda recibir consejos legales gratuitos si se
comunica con Servicios Legales (Legal Services) al ____________. Si tiene dinero para pagar a un abogado pero
no conoce ninguno puede llamar a Servicios de Recomendación de Abogados (Lawyer Referral Services) del
Colegio de Abogados (Bar Association) de su condado local al_________________.
Es posible que pueda recibir asistencia con la vivienda si se comunica con la agencia de asistencia publica
(welfare agency) de su condado al , telefono .
Si necesita un interprete o alguna acomodación para un impedimento fisico, tiene que notificárselo
inmediatamente al tribunal.
Clerk of the Superior Court