Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.950(f), Temporary Order Granting/Denying Relocation (03/15)
[Please indicate all that apply]
1. _____The Motion for Temporary Order Permitting Relocation is GRANTED as the Court finds:
The petition to relocate was properly filed and is otherwise in compliance with the requirements
of Section 61.13001(3), Florida Statutes;
From an examination of the evidence presented at the preliminary hearing, there is a likelihood
that at a final hearing the court will approve the relocation of the child, based upon the factors
set forth in Section 61.13001(7), Florida Statutes.
Facts in support of finding:_________________________________________________________
2. _____ Security: The Temporary Order Permitting Relocation ____ IS ____ IS NOT conditioned upon
the ____ Petitioner ____ Respondent providing reasonable security by:
[If security is required, please indicate all that apply]
a. _____ Posting bond in the amount of $______________ with the clerk of this Court;
b. _____Providing:
c. _____Guaranteeing that the court-ordered contact with the child(ren) will not be
interrupted or interfered with by the relocating party by
3. _____ Time-Sharing. To ensure that the child(ren) has/have frequent, continuing, and meaningful
contact, access, and time-sharing, the nonrelocating parent or person entitled to access shall
have: {Please choose only one}
a. _____ reasonable time-sharing with the parties’ minor child(ren) after reasonable notice and as
agreed to by the parties. The Court reserves jurisdiction to set a specific schedule;
b. _____ the following specified time-sharing with the parties’ minor child(ren): ________________
c. _____ time-sharing in accordance with the temporary Parenting Plan attached as
Exhibit _____ and incorporated herein.
4. _____ No Contact. The _____ Petitioner _____ Respondent and/or _____ Other Person entitled