Instructions - 1) Choose the appropriate category of Temporary options below.
2) Fill out all information requested. If there is not enough room for the position description, attach a word
document BUT all categories must be on the attached position description, if applicable.
A) Associate or Bachelor’s Degree Requirement - If a degree is REQUIRED in the basic qualifications then
it is the departments responsibility to request and review transcripts.
4) Attach resume for the candidate to be hired.
5) Keep a copy of all these documents for your records.
6) Submit to HR personnel for processing along with the Personnel Action Form and Temporary Employment
Packet found on HR Forms.
*Student employee moving to an HOURLY, IN A CATEGORY LISTED BELOW, will need to have the additional
attachment of a Student Separation Form. Contact Ramona Morris or an HR Representative on this particular
CLASSIFIED HOURLY (used only when filling a Classified position on a temporary basis); duties up to 40 hours a week, no
benefits, primarily secretarial/administrative in nature. Can be hired for 9 months by the Institution and then required by State
Employment Rules to have 90 days or three months between jobs to the institution.
ADMINSTRATIVE HOURLYthis category can be used for a variety of temporary duties (Art Model, Data Entry, secretarial
position) as long as it is up to 19 hours a week, no benefits. This category can be a CONTINUOUS 12 MONTH APPOINTMENT
WITHOUT A BREAK IN SERVICE. Important new paperwork, including all documents listed above, will need to be resubmitted with
FOAP and approval signatures every 12 months.
Person Selected for Hire: _____________________________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Effective Start Date: _______________________________ Effective End Date: _______________________________
Hourly Rate: _____________________________________ Supervisor: _____________________________________
General Job Description (Brief Summary and general purpose of the position):
Major Duties and Responsibilities (list of duties essential to this position and percent of time):
Minor Duties and Responsibilities (list of duties performed occasionally):
Basic Qualifications (list education, skills, and experience needed to perform this job):
Other (i.e. relevant physical demands, certification, special skills, etc.):
Additional Comments
Personnel Action Form
Job Description
Transcripts (if applicable and a REQUIREMENT to perform the position)
Temporary Hourly Employment Packet (HR Forms).
Questions should be directed to Human Resources at 303-615-0999; Student Success Building, Room 310.