exam. If you are using completion of a math course to meet math qualification criteria,
Accuplacer placement report is not required as couse should be reflected on your transcript.
6. College transcripts for courses completed within the Univeristy of Hawaiʻi System. Print out
student copy of unofficial trnascripts for all course work WITHIN the UH Systme and highlight
all qualification courses. UH system transcripts are downloadable from the UH Portal
7. College transcripts for courses completed outside of the University of Hawaiʻi System.
My external transcripts have been evaluated by KCC. Submit your transfer course report from
STAR accessible via the UH Portal (myuh.hawaii.edu).
My external transcripts have not been evaluated by KCC. Submit unofficial copies with this
application, send official copies to the KCC Kekaulike Information & Service Center, complete Online
request for Transcript Evaluation. To complete this form, you must log in with your UH Email
account. Complete
this form at: http://go.hawaii.edu/oxG
• Institution: ___________________________ Transcript Request Date: ___________
• Institution: ___________________________ Transcript Request Date: ___________
• Institution: ___________________________ Transcript Request Date: ___________
8. Original State of Hawai‘i Abstract of Traffic Record (dated no older than six months from the
application deadline). Temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
9. Copy of current Hawai‘i driver's license.
10. First Aid and American Heart Association (AHA) CPR certification is required. Students may
substitute the EMR certification for First Aid. Verification of First Aid and AHA CPR
certification must be submitted with this application. Failure to submit documentation
WILL result in an incomplete application. If you are not able to submit First Aid and AHA CPR
certification by the application deadline due to the COVID-19 pandemic, certification must be
submitted by the end of EMT 111.
We only accept CPR certifications provided by the AHA!!!
Certifications cannot expire prior to the end of the program you are applying to. Certification
Cards must be typewritten.
First Aid and CPR certification may be obtained from:
• American Medical Response (AMR): 487-4900
My CPR (AHA BLS or AHA Healthcare Provider) card is attached:
AHA Training Center Name Exp. Date
My First Aid (First Aid or Heartsaver First Aid) card is attached:
Training Center Name Exp. Date