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City of Ottawa, Revenue Branch
100 Constellation Crescent, 4th Floor East
Nepean ON K2G 6J8
Tel: (613) 580-2444 Fax: (613) 580-2457
E-mail: TaxCertificate@ottawa.ca
Web site: ottawa.ca/taxes
Ville d'Ottawa, Direction des recettes
100 croissant Constellation, 4
étage est
Nepean ON K2G 6J8
Tél: (613) 580-2444 Téléc: (613) 580-2457
Courriel : TaxCertificate@ottawa.ca
Site web : ottawa.ca/lestaxes
Please complete one request form per roll number
Your Tax Certificate Account Number:
Applicant (Firm/Company) Name & Address:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number:
Law firm represents
Vendor Purchaser
Tax Certificate to be used by e-mail (only one per law firm)
My law firm's permanent e-mail address (per account code) is:
Your Reference#:
Roll Number: 0614.
Municipal Address:
Legal Description: (Must provide appropriate description)
Closing date:
For further information, please contact the City's Assessment Control Section by e-mail at: taxcertificate@ottawa.ca
For Office Use Only
Balance __________________________ Remarks / Special Remarks____________________________
Arrears __________________________ ____________________________________________________
PTP / PD __________________________ MTSA __________________ T.C. audit __________________
Assessment __________________________ Roll number: 0614. __________._________._______________
T.C. number _________________________________________