STUDENT INFORMATION CONTINUED… (See Notes for questions 24-29)
21. Where do you plan to live during the 2020-21 school year?
[ ] On-campus [ ] Off-campus [ ] With parent or relative
At the start of the 2020-21 school year, how many credits/hours will
you be enrolled in?
[ ] Full-time (12 hours or more) [ ] Three-quarter time (9-11 hours)
[ ] Half-time (6-8 hours) [ ] Less than half-time (5 hours or less)
[ ] Not sure
If you are transferring schools, have you earned an
Associate Degree?
[ ] Yes
(Enter date you earned Associate Degree: _____________)
[ ] No
24. Were you born male or female?
[ ] Male (Must complete the following Selective Service section)
[ ] Female
25. Have you been convicted of a felony or a crime involving a controlled
[ ] Yes [ ] No
26. Have you previously received state Financial Aid?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
27. (A) Are you interested in being considered for the Texas College
Work-Study program?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know
(B) If yes, do you have authorization to work in the U.S.?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know [ ] N/A
28. What is your current marital status?
[ ] I am single [ ] I am separated
[ ] I am married/remarried [ ] I am divorced or
29. Month and year you were married, remarried, separated, divorced or
. Month:_________ Year:_____________ [ ] N/A
Male students must verify their current Selective Service registration status by marking one of the statements below and providing proof of their
registration status to their current institution. Failure to do so may result in the loss of eligibility for state financial aid.
______ I am under the age of 18 and not currently required to register.
_______ I am REGISTERED with the Selective Service and,
Check the following box that applies:
I have already submitted proof of registration to my current institution.
Proof of registration is included with this application.
I will submit proof of my registration.
NOTE: Proof is required to be considered eligible for financial aid.
_____ I am EXEMPT from registration and,
Check the following box that applies:
I have already submitted proof of my exemption to my current institution.
Proof of my exemption is included with this application.
I will submit proof of my exemption.
NOTE: Proof is required to be considered eligible for financial aid.
______ I am over the age of 18. I am not registered with Selective Service and I am not exempt from registration with Selective Service.
30. Were you born before January 1, 1997? ............................................................................................................................................
31. As of today, are you married? (Answer Yes if you are separated but not divorced.) ………………………………………………………………….….…….…
32. At the beginning of the 2020-21 school year, will you be working on a master’s or doctorate program? ........................................
(e.g., MA, MBA, JD, PhD, EdD, MD, graduate certificate, etc.)
33. Do you now have or will you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you between July 1, 2020 and
June 30, 2021?...................................................................................................................................................................................
34. Do you have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and who receive more than half of their
support from you, now and through June 30, 2021?.........................................................................................................................
35. At any time since you turned age 13, were you in foster care, were you a dependent or ward of the court, or were both your
parents deceased? (You do not have to currently be a ward of the court.)………………………………………………..…………………………………….…...
36. As determined by the state’s court, are you or were you an emancipated minor? ..........................................................................
37. As determined by the state’s court, does someone other than your parent or stepparent have legal guardianship of you?...........
38. At any time on or after July 1, 2019, did your high school or school district’s homeless liaison determine that you were an
unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?.................................................
39. At any time on or after July 1, 2019, did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program, funded by the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or
were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?..........................................................................................................................
40. At any time on or after July 1, 2019, did the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program
determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless?....
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ Yes ☐ No
2020-21 Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) Page 2