The License Commission held a Special Meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. in
Room B5, City Hall, 45 School Street. Present were Chairman Henry Tartaglia;
Commissioners Scott McDuffy, Paul Merian and Joao DeAndrade. Also present were Sgt.
Michael Dennehy and Administrative Assistant Bonnie Tucker.
1. Requests for Special One‐day Permits:
All Alcoholic Beverages – Downtown Brockton Association – Gary Leonard, Manager,
for a Film Premiere to be held at the War Memorial Building – 156 West Elm Street
on Friday, June 12, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Present were Gary Leonard, 82 Brian Drive representing the Downtown Brockton Association
and Alexandre Daluz, 158 Boylston Street.
Mr. Leonard stated that request is to sell alcoholic beverage s for a Theater Production and
Mr. Daluz will be presenting a film premiere for The Falling Dominoes. There will be a meal
served along with a full bar. Ms. Tucker stated she had sent the police detail form over to
Lieut. LeGrice but indicated it is her understanding that the City Contract for use at the War
Memorial Building requires a police officer whenever there will be liquor served.
In response to questions, Mr. Leonard stated they anticipate between 75 to 100 people to
attend, however, it was pointed out that on the application it states the expected
attendance is 220. Mr. Leonard indicated there could be a last minute crowd which they can
accommodate. Ms. Tucker stated the Fire Department Permit is also required as well as the
liquor liability insurance certificate. Mr. Leonard stated he had spoken with the Fire
Department today and will make sure their requirements are met.
In response to questions from Commissioners Merian and McDuffy, Mr. Leonard stated
everything is all set with the War Memorial but he will be checking with the Mayor’s office
tomorrow. As far as parking, they will use the lot across the street at the Registry of Deeds
which is allowed as long as there is an insurance policy in place. At this time, 75 tickets have
been sold.
A motion was made by Commissioner McDuffy to approve the one‐day permit which motion
was seconded by Commissioner Merian. All members present voting in the affirmative, the
motion carried.
2. Any other business to properly come before the Commission.
With no further business to come before the Commission, a motion was made by
Commissioner Merian. The motion was seconded by Chairman Tartaglia. All members
voting in the affirmative, the meeting was adjourned.