The License Commission held a Special Meeting on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in
Room B‐9, City Hall. Present were Chairman Henry Tartaglia, Commissioners Scott McDuffy
and Harold Marrow; Lieut. Ken LeGrice; and Administrative Assistant Bonnie Tucker.
1. Hearing on the request from Manuel Mizhirumbay for a Special One‐day Permit to
sell Wine and Malt Beverages at the Fruith Center – 891 Montello Street, for a
Valentine Day Celebration to be held on Sunday, February 7, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to
11:00 p.m.
Present was Manuel Mizhirumbay, 16 Oakdale Street.
Ms. Tucker stated she had left a message for Mr. Benson at the Fruith Center telling him that
the Commission had requested he be present at this meeting in order to address any
concerns the Commission might have concerning the rental of the hall.
Commissioner McDuffy stated he feels that if Mr. Benson doesn’t show up at the meetings
they should not grant any permits for functions to be held at the Fruith Center. It is his
opinion that there should be a representative from the function hall present when one day
permits are being considered. He is willing to go forward with this application but stated in
the future, they should insist Mr. Benson be present along with the applicant.
In response to questions from Lieut. LeGrice, Mr. Mizhirumbay stated he had contacted the
Police Detail office some time ago but was told to wait until the license was granted. Lieut.
LeGrice stated one police detail would be sufficient. He wants it to be clear that the
operator of the entity, whether it be the Fruith Center or the Shaw’s Center , be aware that
they will be held responsible for the payment of the detail officers for both Police and Fire
It was agreed that in the future, the owner of the venue where the event will be held should
be notified to attend the meeting so they will be aware of their responsibilities.
A motion was made by Commissioner McDuffy to approve the one‐day permit to Mr.
Mizhirumbay which motion was seconded by Commissioner Marrow and made unanimous
by vote of Chairman Tartaglia.
2. Any other business to properly come before the Commission.
With no further business to come before the Commission, a motion was made by
Commissioner Marrow which motion was seconded by Commissioner McDuffy and made
unanimous by vote of Chairman Tartaglia.